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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Spanish Dictionary :: A


a prep to, at

abajo adv down, below, downward

abandonado adj abandoned

abandonar v to abandon, leave (a place)

abandono nm abononment, desertion

abanico nm range, (handheld) fan

abarcar v to ecompass, comprise

abeja nf bee

abiertamente adv openly

abierto adj open, unlocked

abismo nm abyss, large gap

abogado nm/f lawyer

abordar v to board, get in/on

abrazar v to hug, embrace

abrazo nm hug, embrace

abrigo nm overcoat, shelter

abril nm April

abrir v to open

absolutamente adv absoletely, complete

absolute adj absolute

absorver v to absorb, soak up

abstacción nf abstraction

abstracto adj abstract

absurdo adj absurd

absurdo nm absurdity, nonsense

abuela nf grandmother

abuelo nm grandfather

abundancia nf abundance

abundante adj abundant, plentiful

abundar v to be plentiful

aburrrido adj boring, bored

aburrimiento nm boredom

aburrir v to bore, tire

abuser v to abuse

abuso nm abuse, misuse

acá adv here, around here

acabar v acabar de: V to have just Ved finish

academia nf academy

académico adj academic

acariciar v to stroke, fondle, caress

acarrear v to bring up, entail

acaso adv by chance, maybe

acatar v to comply with, abide by

acceder v to consent, agree, accede

accesbile adj accessible

accesso nm access, entry

accidente nm accident, irregularity

acción nf action, act, deed

aceite nm oil

acelerado adj accelerated, quick

acelerar v to accelerate, speed (up)

acento nm accent, stress

acceptable adj acceptable, suitable

aceptación nf acceptance, approval

aceptar v to accept

acera nf sidewalk

acerca adv about, concerning

acercamiento nm approach, approximation

acercar v to come near

acero nm steel

acertado adj correct, accurate

acertar v to get right

ácido nm acid

acierto nm good aim, guess, hit

aclarar v to clarify, clear up

acoger v to welcome, accept

acomodado adj well-to-do suitable

acomodar v to be/make comfortable

acompañar v to accompany

aconsejar v to advise, counsel

acontecer v to happen, come about

acontecimiento nm event happening

acordar v to remember, remind

accorde nm agreement, accord

acostar v to put/go to bed

acostumbrar v to be accustomed to acta nf (meeting proceedings, minutes

actitud nf attitude

actividad nf activity, action

active adj active

acto nm act, action

actor nm actor

actriz nf actress

actuación nf performance, acting

actual adj current

actualidad nf present (time)

actualmente adv now, at present

actuar v to act

acudir v to attend, go to frequent

acuerdo nm accord; de acuerdo; in agreement

acumulación nf accumulation

acumular v to accumulate amass

acuasación nf accusation, charge

acusar v to accuse

adaptación nf adaption

adaptar v to adapt

adecuado adj adequate, suitable

adelantar v to move, forward

adelante adv forward, further

adelanto nm advance, progress

además adv also, as well, besides

adentrar v to penetrate, go inside

adentro adv inside

adherer v to adhere, attach

adhesion nf adherence

adicional adj additional

adios nm goodbye

adivinar v to guess, solve

adjetivo nm adjective

administración n administration

administrar v to administer, manage

administrador n administrator, manager

administrativo adj administrative

admirable adj admirable

admiración nf admiration

admirador nm admirer

admirar v to admire

admitir v to admit

adobe n adobe

adolescncia nf adolescence

adolescent adj adolescent

adonde adv to where

adónde adv to where?

adopter to adopt

adorar v to worship, adore

adorner v to adorn, to decorate

adorno nm decoration, adornment

adquirir v to acquire, get

adquisición nf acquisition

adulto nm/adj adult, grown-up

adversario nm adversary

advertencia nf warning, notice

advertir v to notice, warn

aéreo adj aerial, air

aeropuerto nm airport

afán nm eagerness, zeal, effort

afectar v to affect

afecto nm affection, fondness

aferrar v to grasp, clutch

afición nf fondness, interest

aficionado nm fan, devotee

afín adj related, similar

afirmación nf statement, assertion

afirmar v to assert, affirm

aflojar v to loosen

afortunadmente adv luckily, fortunately

afortunado adj fortunate

africano adj African

afrontar v to face, confront

afuera adv outside

afueras nf outskirts, suburbs

agarrar v to grasp, catch

agencia nf agency, branch

agente n agent

ágil adj agile

agitación nf agitation, excitement

agitado adj agitated, irritated

agitar v to shake, move

agonía nf agony, grief

agosto nm August

agotado adj tired, used up, sold out

agotar v to exhaust, wear out, run out

agradable adj nice, pleasant

agradar v to please

agradecer v to thank for

agradecido adj grateful, thankful

agradeciento nm gratitude, gratefulness

agrario adj agrarian, agricultural

agravar v toaggravate

agragar to add, gather

agresión nf aggression, attack

agresividad nf aggressiveness

agresivo adj aggressive

agrícola adj agricultural, farming

agricultor nm/f farmer

agricultura nf agriculture, farming

agrupar v to (put in) group

agua nf water

aguantar to endure, put up with

aguardar v to wait for, await

agudo adj sharp, acute

aguja nf needle, spire, stylus

agujero nm hole, opening

ah interj oh

ahí adv there

ahogar v to drown, choke, flood

ahora adv now

ahorrar v to save (money, time)

ahorro nm saving, thrift

aire nm air, wind, appearance

aislado adj isolated

aislamiento nm isolation

aislar v to isolate, insulate

ajeno adj not belonging to detached

ajo nm garlic

ajustar to adjust tighten

ajuste nm adjustment settlement

ala nf (el) wing, flank

alambre nm wire

alargar v to enlarge elongate

alarma nf alarm

alarmante adj alarming

alarmar v to alarm

alba nf dawn

albergar v to lodge, harbor

alcalde nm mayor

alcance nm reach, scope

alcanzar v to reach, catch up with

alcohol nm alcohol

aldea nf small village

alegar v to plead, argue

alegrar v to be/make happy

alegre adj happy, lively, cheerful

alegría nf joy happiness

alejado adj remot, distant, aloof

alejar v to move away

alemán adj German

alentar v to encourage

alerta nf alert

alertar v to alert, warn

alfombra nf rug, carpet mat

algo pron something, somewhat

algodón nm cotton

alguien pron somebody, someone anyone

alguno adj some, someone

aliado nm ally

alianza nf alliance

aliento nm breath, courage, spirit

alimentación nf feeding, food

alimentar v to feed, support

alimento nm food, nourishment

aliviar v to lighten, relieve, comfort

alivio nm relief, unburdening

allá adv there, over there

allí adv there, over there

alma nf soul

almacén nm warehouse, store

almohada nf pillow

almorzar v to have lunch

almuerzo nm lunch

alojar v to host, accommodate

alquilar v to rent, hire

alquieler nm rent, rental

alrededor adv about, around, round

alrededor nm surrounding area, vicinity

altamente adv highly

altar nm altar

alteración nf alteration, change

alterar v to alter, modify

alternar v to alternate

alternativa nf alternative

alternativo adj alternating, alternative

altísimo adj very high, tall

alto adj tall, high

altura nf height, altitude

aludir v to allude to

alumbrar v to light illuminate

aluminio nm aluminum

alumno nm student, pupil

alusión nf allusion, hint

alzar v to lift, raise

ama nc housekeeper, housewife

amable adj kind, nice, friendly

amanecer nm daybreak, dawn

amanecer to dawn, get light

amante nc lover

amar v to love

amargo adj bitter, sour, painful

amargura nf bitterness, sorrow

amarillo adj yellow

ambición nf ambition

ambicioso adj ambitious greedy

ambiente nm environment, atmosphere

ambiguo adj ambiguous

ámbito nm sphere, space

ambos adj both

ambulante adj traveling

amenaza nf threat

amenazado adj threatened

amenazar v to threaten

americano adj American

amiga nf friend

amigo nm friend

amistad nf friendship

amistoso adj friendly

amo nm master, boss

amor nm love

amoroso adj loving, affectionate

amparo nm protection, shelter

ampliación nf enlargement, extension

ampliamente adv widely

ampliar v to enlarge, increase, expand

amplio adj wide, ample, broad

amplitud nf breadth, extent, range

añadir v to add

análisis nm analysis

analizar v to analyze

anaranjado adj orange

ancho adj wide

ancho nm width

anciano adj elderly, aged

andaluz adj Andalusian

andar v to walk, function

andar nm walk, gait, pace

anécdota nf anecdote

ángel nm angel

ángulo nm angle

angustia nf anguish, distress

angustiado adj anguished, distressed

angustioso adj distressing

anhelo nm longing, yearning

anillo nm (finger) ring

animado adj excited, lively

animal nm animal

animar v to cheer up

ánimo nm zest, spirit, heart

aniversario nm anniversary

año nm year

anoche adv last night

anónimo adj anonymous

anotar v to annotate, jot note

anisia nf anxiety, anguish

ansiedad nf anxiety

ansioso adj anxious eager

antaño adv in days gone by, last year

ante prep before, in the presence of

antecedente nm antecedent

antemano adv beforehand, in advance

antenna nf antenna

antepasado nm ancestor

anterior adj previous, preceding

anteriormente adv previously

antes adv before

anticipar v to anticipate, advance

antiüedad nf antiquity, seniority

antiguo adj old, ancient, former

annual adj annual, yearly

anular v to annul, cancel

anunciar v to announce, advertise

anuncio nm advertisement, announcement

apagado adj turned off

apagar v to turn off, extinguish

aparato nm apparatus, device

apraecer v to appear

aparentar v to give the appearance

aparente adj apparent

aparentement adv apparently

aparición nf appearance, apparition

apariencia nf appearance, aspect

apartar v to move away, separate

aparte adv apart, aside separately

apasionado adj passionate

apelar v to call upon, to appeal to

apellido nm last name

apenas adv hardly, barely

apertura nf opening, beginning

apetito nm appetite

aplastado adj crushed flattened

aplastar v to flatten, crush, smash

aplaudir v to clap, applaud

aplauso nm applause, praise, acclaim

aplicación nf application

aplicado adj applied

aplicar v to apply

apoderar v to take power

aportar v to provide, to contribute

aporte nm contribution

apostar v to wager, bet

apoyar v to support, lean on

apoyo nm support, backing

apreciación nf appreciation, assessment

apreciar v to appreciate

aprender v to learn

aprendizaje nm learning apprenticeship

apresurar v to hurry up, speed up

apretado adj tight, jammed

apretar v to squeeze, tighten, compress

aprobación nf approval, consent

aprobar v to pass (test), approve

apropiado adj appropriate

aprovechar v to take advantage of

aproximación nf approximation

aproximadamente adv approximately

aproximar v to come near, closer

apto adj appropriate, fit, able

apuesta nf wager, bet

apuntar v to point, note, aim

apunte nm note annotation

apurar v to speed up, hurry up

apuro nm trouble, predicament

aquel adj that (over there)

aquél pron that one over there

aquello pron that over there

aquí adv here

árabe adj Arab

araña nf spider

arbitrario adj arbitrary

árbitro nm referee

árbol nm tree

arcilla nf clay

archivo nm archive, file filing cabinet

arco nm arch, arc, bow

arder v to burn, glow

ardiente adj passionate, ardent

área nf area, zone

arena nf sand

argentino adj Argentine

argumentar v to argue, deduce

argumento nm argument, plot

árido adj arid, dry

arma nf wearpon

armado adj armed

armar v to arm, put together

armonía nf harmony

aroma nm aroma

arquitecto nm/f architect

arquitectura nf architecture

arrancar v to start (machine) uproot

arranque nm start, outburst, kick-start

arrasar v to raze, ravage

arrastrar v to drag, pull

arrebatar v to snatch, grab

arreglar v to fix, arrange

arreglo nm arrangement

arrepentir v to repent, regret

arriba adv up, above

arriesgar v to risk, venture

arrojar v to throw fling

arroyo nm brook, stream, gutter

arroz nm rice

arte nm art, skill

arteria nf artery

artefacto nm artifact, device

articular v to articulate

artículo nm article, product, item

artificial adj artificial

artista n artist, performer

artístico adj artistic

asaltar v to assault

asalto nm assault, robbery

asamblea nf assembly

ascender v to ascend, be promoted

ascenso nm promotion, climb

ascensor nm elevator

asco nm disgust

asegurar v to assure, secure, insure

asentar v to settle, establish, locate

asentir v to assent, agree

asisinar v to murder, assassinate

asesinato nm murder assassination

asesino nm killer, assissin

asesor nm/f adviser, consultant

así adv like that

asiento nm seat, chair

asignar v to assign, allocate

asilo nm asylum, shelter

asimilar v to assimilate

asimismo adv as well, also, moreover

asistencia nf attendance, assistance

asistente nc assistant

asistir v to attent

asociación nf association

asociar v to association

asociar v to associate with

asomar v to appear, show, stick (out)

asombrado adj amazed, bewildered

asombrar v to amaze, astound

asombro nm amazement, astonishment

asombroso adj amazing

aspecto nm aspect, appearance

áspero adj rough, coarse, harsh

aspiración nf ambition, aspiration

aspirar v to aspire, want

astro nm star

asumir v to assume, take on

asunto nm matter, issue, affair

asustado adj scared, frightened

asustar v to fighten, scare

atacar v to attack

ataque nm attack, raid

atar v to tie (up)

atardecer nm evening, dusk

atención nf attention

attender v to serve, attend to

atener v to abide, comply with

atentado nm (terrorist) attack offense

atento adj attentive, polite

atleta nf athlete

atmósfera nf atmosphere, environment

atracción nf attraction

atractivo adj attractive

attractiva nm attraction, charm

atraer v to attract

atraído attracted

atrapado adj trapped

atrapar v to trap, catch

atrás adv back, behind, ago

atrasado adj behind, slow

atravesar v to cross

atrever to dare

atribuir to attribute

atributo nm attribute, quality

atroz adj atrocious

audacia nf audience, hearing

aula nf classroom

aullar v to howl, yell

aumentar v to increase

aumento nm increase, rise

aun adv even (though), still

aún adv still, yet

aunque conj although, even though

ausencia nf abence

ausente adj absent

australiano adj Australian

auténtico adj authentic

auto nm auto, car

autor n writer

autobús nm bus

automáticamente adv automatically

automático adj automatic

automóvil nm automobile

autonomía nf autonomy, range

autónomo adj autonomous

autopista nf freeway, motorway

autor nm/f writer, author

autoridad nf authority

autoritario adj authoritarian

autorización nf authorizatioin

autorizado adj authorized

autorizar v to authorize, legalize

auxiliar adj auxiliary, ancillary

auxilio nm help, aid, assistance

avance nm advance, progress

avanzado adj advanced

avanzar v to advance, progress

ave nm bird

avenida nf avenue

aventura nf adventure

aventurar v to venture, risk

averiguar v to investigate, found out

avión nm plane, airplane, aircraft

avisar v to inform, announce

aviso nm warning

ay interj oh no! oh my

ayer adv yesterday

ayuda nf help, aid

ayudante n helper, assistant

ayudar v to help

azar nm random, chance, hazard

azúcar nm sugar

azul adj blue

LAST UPDATED 10/14/2022 7:25 PM