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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Spanish Dictionary :: C


caballería nf cavalry, knighthood

caballero nm gentleman, knight

caballo nm horse

cabecera nf head, header

cabello nm hair

caber v to fit (into)

cabeza nf head (part of body)

cabina nf cabin, cockpit

cable nm cable, wiring

cabo nm end, bit

cabra nf goat

cada adj each, every

cadaver nm corpse, body

cadena nf chain

cadera nf hip

caer v to fall

café nm coffee, café

café adj brown

caída nf fall, drop, falling

caído adj fallen

caja nf bank, box, safe

cajón nm drawer

cal nf lime, whitewash

calcular v to calculate, figure out

cálculo nm calculation, calculus

caldo nm broth, soup

calendario nm calendar

calendar v to warm, heart

calidad nf quality

cálido adj warm

caliente adj hot, warm, spirited

calificación nf evaluation, qualification

califcar v to grade, rate, qualify

callado adj quiet, reserved

callar v to be/make quiet

calle nf street

callejero adj of the street

callejón nm alley

calma nf calm, lull

calmar v to calm, soothe, relieve

calor nm heat, warmth

calzar v wear (shoes)

cama nf bed (furniture)

cámara nf camera, chamber

cambiar v to change

cambio nm change

caminar v to walk

camino nm road, route, path

camioneta nf small truck, station wagon

camión nm truck, van, tanker

camisa nf shirt

camiseta nf T-Shirt

campamento nm camp, camping

campana nf bell

campaña nf campaign

campeón nm champion

campeonato nm championship

campesino adj rural

campo nm field, country

caña nf cane, reed

canadiense adj Canadian

canal nm channel, canal

cáncer nm cancer

cancha nf playing field, court

canción nf song

candidato nm candidate

cañón nm canyon, cannon

cansado adj tired, tiresome

cansancio nm tiredness, weariness

cansar v to tire, annoy

cantante n singer

cantar v to sing

cantidad nf quantity, amount

canto nm singing, chant

caos nm chaos

capa nf layer, coat

capacidad nf capacity

capaz adj capable, able

capilla nf chapel

capital nmf capital; city, money

capitán nm captain, chief

capítulo nm chapter

capricho nm caprice, whim

caprichoso adj capricious, whimsical

captar v to capture, attract

capturer v to capture

cara nf face, expression

carro nm car, cart

carácter nm personality, nature

característica nf characteristic, aspect

característico adj characteristic

caracterizar v to characterize, portray

caramel nm piece of candy, caramel

carbon nm coal, charcoal

carcajada nf hearty laughter, guffaw

cárcel nf jail, prison

career v to be without

carencia nf lack, shortage

carente adj lacking, devoid

carga nf load, charge, cargo

cargar v to load (up), carry

cargo nm position, charge, fee

caridad nf charity

cariño nm love, affection

cariñoso adj effectionate

carne nf meat, flesh

caro adj expensive, difficult, dear

carrera nf career, course, race

carretera nf highway, road

carro nm car, cart

carta nf letter, (playing) card

cartel nm poster

cartera nf wallet, satchel

carton nm cardboard, carton, sketch

casa nf house

casado adj married

casar v to marry

casco nm helmet

casero adj homemade

casi adv almost, nearly

casita nf cottage

caso nm case, occasion

castellano adj Castilian, Spanish

castigar v to punish

castigo nm punishment, penalty

castillo nm castle

casualidad nf chance, coincidence

catalán adj Catalan

catálogo nm catalog

catástrofe nf catastrophe

cátedra nf academic chair

cathedral nf cathedral

categoría nf category

católico adj Catholic

catorce num fourteen

cauce nm (river) bed, ditch

caudal nm volume, abundance

causa nf cause

causar v to cause, bring about

cautela nf caution

caza nf hunting (game)

cazador nm/f hunter

cazar v to hunt

cebolla nf onion

ceder v to give way, yield

ceja nf eyebrow, brow

celebración nf celebration

celebrar v to celebrate

célebre adj famous renowned

celeste adj heavenly, sky-blue

celo nm jealousy, zeal

celoso adj jealous

célula nf cell (biology)

cementerio nm cemetery, graveyard

cemento nm cement, concrete

cena nf dinner

cenar v to dine

ceñir v to adhere to, fit tightly

ceniza nf ash

censura nf censorship, criticism

centavo nm cent

centenar nm hundred

centímetro nm centimeter

central adj central

central nf headquarters

centrar v to center, focus, base (on)

centro nm center, middle, downtown

cera nf wax

cerámica nf ceramic

cereal nm cereal

cerca adv close, near

cercanía nf nearness, proximity

cercano adj near

cerco nm fence, circle, ring

cerdo nm pig, sow, slob

cerebral adj cerebral

cerebro nm brain

ceremonia nf ceremony

cero num zero, naught, nil

cerrado adj closed

cerrar v to close

cerro nm hill

certeza nf certainty

cervaza nf beer, ale

cesar v to cease, stop

ciclo nm cycle

ciclista n cyclist

ciego adj blind

cielo nm sky, heaven, ceiling

ciencia nf science, knowledge

científico adj scientific, scientist

ciento num hundred

cierre nm zipper, closing

ciertamente adv certainly, indeed

cierto adj certain, sure, true

cifra nf figure, number, amount

cigarillo nm cigarette

cima nf summit, peak, top

cinco num five

cincuenta num fifty

cine nm cinema, US movie theater

cinta nf tape, ribbon, film, strip

cintura nf waist

cinturón nm belt

circo nm circus

circuito nm circuit, circumference track

circulación nf circulation, traffic

circular v to circulate, go around flow

circular adj circular

círculo nm circle, club

circustancia nf circumstance

cirujano nm/f surgeon

cita nf appointment, date, quotation

citar v to cite, quote

ciudad nf city

ciudadano nm citizen

ciudadano adj community, citizen

civil adj civil

civil nc civilian

civilización nf civilization

civilizado adj civilized

clandestine adj undercover, clandestine

clamar v to cry, clamor

claramente adv clearly

claridad nf clearness, clarity

claro adv/adj of course, clearly

clase nf kind, class, order

clásico adj classic

clasificación nf classification

clasificar v to classify, sort, file

clavar v to nail

clave nf/adj key

clavo nm nail, tack, peg

cliente nc client, customer

clientele nf customers, clients

clima nm climate

clínica nf clinic

clínico adj clinical

club nm club, society

cobrar v to charge (money)

cobre nm copper

coche nm car

cocher nm car, carriage

cocina nf kitchen

cocinar v to cook

cocinero nm/f cook

coco nm coconut

código nm code

codo nm elbow

coger v to hold, take, catch

coherente adj coherent, connected

cohete nm rocket

coincidencia nf coincidence

coincidir v to coincide, agree

cola nf line, queue, tail

colaboración nf collaboration

colaborador nm collaborator

colaborar v to collaborate, work together

colar v to slip in

coche nm car

cochón nm mattress

colección nf collection

colectivo adj/nm collective, joint, group

colega nc colleague

colegio nm high school, college

cólera nmf rage, cholera

colgado adj hanging

colgar v to hang up

colina nf hill, slope

collar nm collar, necklace

colmo nm climax

colocar v to place, position

colombiano adj Colombian

colonia nf colony, cologne

colonial adj colonial

color nm color

colorado adj red, colored

columna nf column, spine

coma nmf comma, coma

comandante nm commander, commanding officer

commando nm command, order

combate nm combat, battle, fight

combater v to fight against

combinación nf combination

combinado adj combined

combiner v to combine

comedia nf comedy, play, pretense

comedor nm dining room

comentar v to comment on

comento nm cement

comentario nm remark, comment

comenzar v to begin, start

comer v to eat

commercial adj commercial, shopping

comerciante n merchant, businessman

comercio nm commerce, trade

cometa nmf comet, kite

cometer v to commit

cómico adj comic

comida nf food, meal

comienzo nm start, beginning

comisario nm commissioner, delegate

comisión nf commission, committee

como conj like, as

cómo adv how?

comodidad nf comfort, convenience

cómodo adj comfortable, convenient

compacto adj compact, dense

compañera nf female companion

compañero nm companion, classmate

campañía nf company

comparable adj comparable

comparación nf comparison

comparer v to compare

compartir v to share

campás nm rhythm, time, compass

compatriota nc fellow countryman

compensación nf compensation

compensar v to compensate, make up for

competencia nf competition, contest

competir to compete

complacer v to please, satisfy

complejidad nf complexity

complejo adj complex, complicated

complejo nm complex

complementar to tomplement, supplement

complementario adj additional, complementary

complemento nm complement supplement

completamente adv completely

completar v to to complete

completo adj complete

complicación nf complication

complicado adj complicated, complex

complicar v to complicate, make difficult

cómplice nc accomplice

complicidad nf involvement, complicity

componente nm component, ingredient

componer v to compose, be part of

comportamiento nm behavior, conduct

comportar to behave

composición nf composition, make-up, essay

compra nf shopping, buy, purchase

comprador nm buyer

comprar v to buy comprender v to understand

comprensible adj understandable

comprensión nf understanding

comprensivo adj understanding

comprobar v to verify, prove

comprometer v to compromise

comprometido adj committed, engaged

compromise nm compromise, engagement

compuesto adj composite, mixed

computadora nf computer

común adj common

comunicación nf communication

comunicar v to communicate

comunidad nf community

comunión nf communion

comunismo nm communism

comunista adj Communist

comunitario adj of the community

con prep with

concebir v to conceive, understand

concede v to grant, concede

concetración nf concertration, gathering

concentrar v to concentrate

concepción nf conception

concepto nm concept

concsión nf awarding, concession

conciencia nf conscience, consciousness

concierto nm concert, concerto

concluir v to conclude, finish

conclusión nf conclusion, end

concretamente adv specifically, exactly

concreter v to materialize, fulfill

concreto adj concrete, real

concurrencia nf coming together, participation

concurrir to coincide, concur, meet

concurso nm competition, gathering

condena nf sentence (in prison), penalty

condenar v to convict, condemn

condición nf condition

condicionado adj conditioned

condicionar v to condition, determine

conducer v to lead, drive

conducta nf conduct, behavior

conductor nm/f driver, conductor

conectar v to connect, plug in

conejo nm rabbit

conexión nf connection, relationship

conferencia nf conference, lecture

conferir v to confer

confesar to confess, admit

confesión nf confession, admission

confianza nf confidence, trust

confiar v to trust confide

configurar v to make up, comprise

confirmer v to confirm

conflict nm conflict

conformar v to conform

conforme adj in agreement

confundido adj confused

confundir v to confuse

confusion nf confusion

confuse adj confused, mixed up

congelado adj frozen

confreso nm confress

conjunto nm group, set

conmigo pron with

conmoverv to move, affect

conocedor nm expert, judge connoisseur

conocer to know (someone or place)

conocido adj known, well-known

conocimiento nm knowledge

conquista nf conquest

conquistar v to conquer, win (over)

consagrado adj dedicated, consecrated

consagrar v to consecrate, establish

consciente adj conscious, aware

consecuencia nf consequence

conseguir v to get, acquire, obtain

consejero nm/f advisor, counselor

consejo nm advice, council, counsel

consenter v to consent to pamper

conservación nf conservation

conservador adj conservative

conserver v to conserve, preserve

considerable adj considerable

consideración nf consideration, regard

consideracrión nf consideration, regard

considerer v to consider

consigna nf watchword, motto, slogan

consiguiente adj consequent, por consiguiente consequently

consistencia nf consistency

consistir v to consist of

consolar v to console

consolidar v to consolidate

conspiración nf conspiracy

constancia nf perseverance

constante adj constant

constantemente adv constantly

constar v to consist of comprise

constatar v to prove, verify

constitución nf constitution

constitucional adj constitutional

constituir v to constitute, consist of

construcción nf construction

constructive adj constructive

construer v to construct, build

consuelo nm comfort, consolation

consulta nf consultation, advice

consultar v to consult

consumer v to complete, carry out

consumer v to consume, take in

consumo nm consumption

contacto nm contact

contagiar v to infect, infest

contar v to tell, count

comtemplar v to comtemplate

contemporáneo adj contemporary

contener v to contain

contenido nm contents, content

contento adj happy, content

contestación nf answer

contester v to answer, reply

context nm context

contienda nf contest, dispute

contigo pron with you

continente nm continent

continuación nf continuation, follow-up

continuamente adv continuously

continuar v to continue

continuidad nf continuity

continuo adj continuous

contorno nm outline, perimeter, edge

contra prep against, opposite

contradecir v to contradict, be inconsistent

contradicción nf contradiction

contradictorio adj contradictory

contraer v to contract, shrink, abbreviate

contrario adj contrary, opposite

contrastar v to contrast

contratar v to hire, contract

contrato nm contract, agreement

contribución nf contribution

contribuir v to contribute

control nm control

controlar v to control

contundente adj decisive, blunt, forceful

convencer v to convince, persuade

convencido adj conviced, persuaded

convencimiento nm convincing convención nf convention, assembly

convencional adj conventional

conveniencia nf convenience, usefulness

conveniente adj convenient

convener v to be agreeable, ve convenient

convent nm convent, monastery

conversación nf conversation

conversar v to converse, talk

convertir v to covert, change, become

convicción nf conviction

convincente adj convincing

convivencia nf coexistence, living together

convivir v to coexist

convocar v to convene, summone

cooperación nf cooperation

copa nf cup, glass, top (tree)

copia nf copy

copier v to copy

coraje nm courage, toughness

corazón nm heart, core

corbata nf tie, sash

cordial adj cordial, friendly

cordillera nf mountain range

cordon nm cord, yarn, braid

coro nm choir, chorus

corona nf crown

corazón nm heart

coreano adj Korean

coronar v to crown, top

coronel nm colonel

corporal adj of the body, corporal

corral nm corral, yard

corrección nf correction, amendment

correctamente adv correctly

correcto adj correct, suitable

corredor n broker

corridor nm/f broker, corridor, runner

corregir v to correct, rectify

correo nm mail, post (office)

correr v to run

correspondencia nf correspondence, connection

corresponder v to correspond with

correspondiente adj corresponding

corriente nf current, flow

corriente adj current, common

corrupción nf corruption

cortar v to cut

corte nmf court, cut

cortesía nf courtesy

corteza nf bark, crust, rind, peel

cortina nf curtain, screen

corto adj short, brief

cosa nf thing

cosecha nf harvest, crop

coser v to sew

costa nf coast

costado nm side, flank

costar v to cost be hard

costarricense adj Costa Rican

costo nm price, cost, expense

costoso adj costly, expensive

costumbre nf habit, custom, usage

cotidiano adj daily

cráneo nm skull, cranium

creación nf creation

creador nm creator

crear v to create

creative adj creative

crecer v to grow, increase

creciente adj growing, increasing

crecimento nm growth, increase

crédito nm credit, reputation

creencia nf belief

creer v to believe, think

crema nf cream

crepúsculo nm dusk, twilight

cría nf breeding, raising

criar v to bring up, rear

criatura nf creature, child

crimen nm crime, murder

criminal nc/adj criminal

crisis nf crisis

cristal nm glass, crystal, window

cristiano adj Christian

criterio nm criterion

crítica nf criticism, critique

criticar v to criticize

crítico adj/nm critical

crónico adj chronic

cruce nm crossing, intersection

crudo adj raw, crude, natural

cruel adj cruel, harsh

crueldad nf cruelty, harshness

cruz nf cross, burden

cruzar v to cross

cuaderno nm notebook, workbook

cuadra nf (city) block

cuadrado adj square

cuadro nm painting, picture

cual pron which, who, whom

cuál pron which?

cualidad nf quality, attribute

cualquier adj any, anyone

cuando conj/adv when, when?

cuanto adj en cuanto; terms of regarding

cuánto adj how much?

cuarenta num forty

cuartel nm quarters, barracks

cuarto nm room, chamber

cuarto adj fourth

cuatro num four

cubano adj Cuban

cubierta nf covering, top, lid

cubierto adj covered

cubrir v to cover

cuchichear v to whisper, mutter

cuchillo nm knife

cuello nm neck, collar

cuenca nf socket, basin, bowl

cuenta nf bill, account

cuento nm story, tale

cuerda nf cord, rope

cuerno nm horn, antler

cuero nm leather, skin

cuerpo nm body

cuestión nf question, matter

cuestionar v to question

cueva nf cave cuidado nm care, carefulness

cuidadosamente adv carefully

cuidadoso adj careful, cautious

cuidar v to take care of

culminar v to culminate, accomplish

culpa nf blame, fault

cupable adj guilty

cultivar v to cultivate, produce

cultivo nm cultivation, crop

culto adj cultured, educated

culto nm worship, cult

cultura nf culture

cultural adj cultural

cumbre nf summit, top

cumpleaños nm birthday

cumplimento nm fulfillment, compliment

cumplir v to fulfill

cuna nf cradle, birth, lineage

cuota nf quota, share, dues

cúpula nf cupola, dome

cura nmf priest, cure

curar v to cure

curiosamente adv strangely, funnily enough

curiosidad adj curious, strange

curso nm course, direction

curva nf curve

cuyo adj whose

LAST UPDATED 10/14/2022 8:16 PM