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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Spanish Dictionary :: F


fábrica nf factory, manufacture

fabricación nf manufacture, production

fabricar v to manufacture

fabuloso adj fabulous, fantastic

facción nf (face) feature, faction

fachada nf front of a building

fácil adj easy

facilidad nf ease, facility

facilitar v to facilitate

fácilmente adv easily

factor nm factor, cause, influence

factura nf invoice, bill

facultad nf faculty, ability

faena nf task, job, performance

falda nf skirt

falla nf flaw failure

fallar v to fail, miss

fallecer v to pass away (to die)

fallo nm mistake, blunder, fault

falso adj false

falta nf lack, shortage

faltar v to be lacking

fama nf reputation, fame

familia nf family

familiar adj familiar, of the family

familiar nm relative

famoso adj famous, well-known

fantasia nf fantasy, fancy

fantasma nm ghost, phantom

fantástico adj fantasitic, unreal

farmacia nf pharmacy, drugstore

fascinante adj fascinating

fase nf phase, stage

fatal nf phase, stage

fatifa nf fatigue

favor nm favor, benefit

favorable adj favorable, suitable

favorecer v to favor, help

favorito adj favorite

fe nf faith

febrero nm February

fecha nf date, day

felicidad nf happiness

felicitar v to congratulate

feliz adj happy, fortunate

femenino adj feminine, female

fenómeno nm phenomenon

feo adj ugly, nasty, rude

feria nf fair, festival

feroz adj ferocious, fierce

ferrocarril nm railway

fértil adj fertile, rich

fiar v to vouch for, confide, trust

fibra nf fiber, grain

ficción nf fiction

ficha nf index card, chip, token

fidelidad nf faithfulness accuracy

fiebre nf fever excitement

fiel adj faithful, loyal

fiera nf (wild) beast

fiesta nf party, feast

figurar nf figure 

figurar v to appear, represent figure (in)

fijar v to set, fix, notice

fijo adj fixed, steady

fila nf line, row, file

filo nm (cutting) edge

filosofía nf philosophy

filosófico adj philosophical

filósofo nm philosopher

filtrar v to seep, filter

fin nm end

final nmf al final: finally, in the end

final adj final

finalidad nf purpose, aim

finalizar v to end, finalize

finalmente adv finally, at last

financiar v to finance

finaciero adj financial

finca nf property, estate

finger v to feign pretend

fino adj fine, delicate

firma nf company, signature, signing

firmar v to sign

firme adj firm, steady

firmemente adv firmly

firmeza nf firmness

fiscal adj fiscal, treasury

fiscal n district attorney, prosector

físicamente adv physically

físico adj physical

físico nm/f physicist

flaco adj thin, frail

fleche nf arrow, dart

flexible adj flexible

flor nf flower

florecer v to flower, bloom, flourish

flotar v to float, flutter

fluir v to flow

flujo nm flow, tide, discharge

foco nm focus

fomentar v to foster, promote, encourage

fondo nm bottom, end

forma nf form, shape, way

formación nf formation, education

formal adj formal, polite

formar v to form

formidable adj formiddle, tremendous

fórmula nf formula

formular v to formulate

fortalecer v to formulate

fortalecer v to fortify

fortaleza nf fortress, strength

fortuna nf fortune, fate

forzar v to force

fósforo nm match, match stick

forot nf photo, picture

fotografía nf photograph

fotográfico adj photographic

fotógrafo nm/f photographer

fracasar v to fail, to be unsuccessful

fracas nm failure, collapse

fracción nf fraction

frágil adj fragile, weak

fragment nm fragment, passage

francamente adv frankly, openly

francés adj French

franco adj open, frank, outspoken

franja nf strip, stripe, fringe

frasco nm bottle, jar, flask

frase nf phrase

frecuencia nf frequency

frecuente adj frequent

frecuentemente adv frequently, often

frenar v to brake, restrain

freno nm brake

frente nm/f al frente: facing; frente a across from

fresco adj cool, healthier, fresh

fresco nm freshness, coolness

frialdad nf coldness, indifference

frío nm/adj cold

frívolo adj trivial, frivolous

frontal adj frontal

frontera nf border, frontier

frusctración nf frustration

frustrado adj frustrated

fruta nf fruit

fruto nm fruit, result

fuego nm fire, gunfire

fuente nf source; fountain

fuera adv out, outside, away

fuerte adj strong

fuertemente adv strongly

fuerza nf strength, force, power

fuga nf flight, escape

fumar v to smoke

función nf function meeting

functional adj functional

funcionamiento nm functioning, operation

funcionar v to work, function

funcionario nm civil servant

fundación nf foundation

fundador nm founder

fundamental adj funfamental

fundamentalmente adv fundamentally, basically

fundamento nm foundation, ground

fundar v to found, base

fundir v to melt, cast, smelt

furia nf fury, rage

furioso adj furious

fútbol nm soccer

futbolista n soccer player

futuro nm/adj future


LAST UPDATED 10/14/2022 8:22 PM