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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Spanish :: Vocabulary Materials and Elements

Materials y Elementos | Materials and Elements

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to materials and elements. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent. 

papel nm paper, role, part

piedra nf stone, rock

oro nm gold

madera nf wood

plata nf silver

hierro nm iron

tela nf cloth, fabric

cristal nm crystal, window

metal nm metal

vidrio nm glass

barro nm clay

plástico nm plastic

ladrillo nm brick

lana nf wool

acero nm steel

comento nm cement

seda nf silk

piomo nm lead

cartón nm cardboard

bronce nm bronze

petróleo nm oil

paja nf straw, hay

cobre nm copper

algodón nm cotton

goma nf rubber

carbon nm coal, charcoal

perla nf pearl

mármol nm marble

alambre nm wire

cera nf wax

encaje nm lace

diamante nm diamond

porcelana nf porcelain

aluminio nm aluminum

cerámica nf ceramic

arcilla nf clay

granito nm granite

marfil nm ivory

adobe n adobe

yeso nm plaster

LAST UPDATED 10/10/2022 3:18 PM