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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Spanish :: Vocabulary Opposites

Opuestos | Opposites

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to opposites. The vocabulary words presented are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent. Note that description words that begin with no, in-, or des- often refer to an opposite.

más adj more

menos adj less, fewer

seco adj dry

mojado adj wet

bonito adj pretty

feo adj ugly

primero adj first

ultimo adj last, final

grande adj large, great, big

pequeño adj small

mucho adj many

poco adj few

limpio adj clean

sucio adj dirty

nuevo adj new

viejo adj old

bueno adj good

malo adj bad

mejor adj better

peor adj worse

mayor adj older

menor adj younger

posible adj possible

imposible adj impossible

largo adj long

corto adj short

alto adj tall

bajo adj low

verdadero adj true

falso adj false

abierto adj open

cerrado adj closed

lleno adj full

vacío adj empty

empleado employed

desempleado unemployed

fácil adj easy

dificil adj difficult

rico adj rich

pobre adj poor

barato adj cheap

caro adj expensive

profundo adj deep

bajo adj shallow

correcto  correct

incorrecto incorrect

duro adj hard

blando adj soft

calificado qualified

no calificado unqualified

estrecho adj narrow

ancho adj wide

áspero adj rough

liso adj smooth

delgado adj thin

grueso adj thick

LAST UPDATED 10/20/2022 8:19 PM