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Sunday, October 23, 2022

Ser and Estar

This post is an ode to the verbs Ser and Estar, both are the equivalent to the English verb infinitive to be. Both Ser and Estar are irregular verb in many tenses. To understand more clearly, take a look at both verbs in their present tense forms. 

Ser (to be)
soy eres es somos sois son
The present tense estar and ser conjugation
To be                                        Estar                    Ser

This post is an ode to the verbs Ser and Estar, both are the equivalent to the English verb infinitive to be. Both Ser and Estar are irregular verb in many tenses. To understand more clearly, take a look at both verbs in their present tense forms.

Ser (to be)

Estar (to be)

Both Ser and Estar mean to be but they have different meanings and usages. Ser is used as a descriptive verb for permanent and or lasting situations. Estar indicates location and temporary situations. 

Below you will find a comprehensive list of sentences using both Ser.
La bar es animada y muy transitada. The bar is lively and very busy.
-Las hotels son hermosas y muy caras. The hotels are busy and very expensive.
-La cine es vieja y muy importante. The movie theater is very old and very important.
-La biblioteca es tranquila y muy bonita. The library is quiet and very nice.
-Los grajes son oscuros y muy feos.
-El salón de belleza es lindo y muy bueno.
-Los jardines son peatonales y muy interesantes.
-El libro no es para Juan. Es para Chelsea.  The book is not for Juan. It's for Chelsea.
-Soy Lupe. I am Lupe.
-Somos cubanos. We are Cuban.
-La niña es pequeña. The girl is small. 
-La niña es María. The girl is Maria.
-La  niña es Americana. The girl is American.
-La niña es mi amiga. The girl is my friend.
-El libro es importante. The book is important.
-Los libros son importantes. The books are important. 
-Las sillas son negras. The chairs are black.
-No son amigos. They are not friends.

Below you will find a comprehensive list of sentences using both Estar.
-Estoy bien.  I am fine.
-Estamos en el cuarto. We are in the room.
-La niña está bien. The girl is fine.
-La niña está en el cuarto. The girl is in the room.
-El libro está en la mesa. The book is on the table.  
-Los libros están en la mesa. The books are on the table. 
-Los papeles están en mi casa. The papers are at my house.