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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

French :: Vocabulary Sports

Sportif | Sports

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to sports. The vocabulary words presented are listed and defined with their French to English equivalent. 

jeu  game

but  goal

lutte  wrestling

équipe  team

course  race

exercice  exercise

pêche  fishing

stade  stadium (also stage)

joueur  player

sport  sport

chasse  hunting

champion  champion

football  soccer

chasseur  hunter

championnat  championship

tournoi  tournament

ballon  ball

saut  jump

tennis  tennis

gagnant  winner

perdant loser

ski  ski

boule  bowling

golf golf

piscine  pool

hockey  hockey

foot  soccer

rugby  rugby

basket  basketball

plongée  diving

base-ball  baseball

marathon  marathon

athlétisme  track and field

coéquipier  teammate

gymnase  gymnasium

coach  coach

boxe  boxing

footballeur  soccer player

slalom  slalom

ring  boxing ring

natation  swimming

patin  skate

LAST UPDATED 10/19/2022 8:21 PM