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Friday, October 7, 2022

Spanish Dictionary :: V


vaca nf cow

vacaciones nf vacation

vaciar v to empty, pour out

vacilar v to vacillate, hesitate

vacío adj empty, vacant

vago adj vague

vagón nm carriage, wagon

vaivén nm swinging, rocking

valer v to be worth, cost

validez nf validity

válido adj valid

valiente adj brave, courageous, bold

valioso adj valuable, precious

valle nm valley

valor nm value, worth

valorar v to value

vanguardia nf vanguard, forefront

vanidad nf vanity, conceit

vano adj vain, useless

vapor nm vapor, steam

vara nf rod, stick

variación nf variation

variado adj varied, mixed

variante nf variant, difference

variar v to change, vary

variedad nf variety

varios adj several, various

varón nm male, man

vasco adj Basque

vaso nm (drinking) glass, vase

vasto adj vast, immense, huge

vecindad nf nearness, vicinity

vecino nm neighbor

vecino adj nearby, neighboring

verde adj green

vegetación nf vegetation

vegetal adj plant, vegetable

vehículo nm vehicle, car

veinte num twenty

veinticinco num twent-five

veinticuatro num twenty-four

veintidós num twenty-two

vejez nf old age

vela nf candle, sail, vigil

velar v to watch over

velo nm veil

velocidad nf speed, velocity

veloz adj fast, quick

vena nf vein

vencer v to overcome, conquer

vendaval nm strong wind

vendedor nm/f salesperson

vender v to sell

veneno nm poison, venom

venezolano adj Venezuelan

venganza nf revenge, vengeance

vengar v to take revenge, avenge

venir v to come

venta nf sale

ventaja nf advantage, benefit

ventana nf window

ventanilla nf (vehicle) window

ver v to see

vera nf de veras: really, for real

verano nm summer

verbal adj verbal, oral

verbo nm verb

verdad nf truth

verdadermente adv truly

verdadero adj true, real

verde adj green

verdura nf vegetables, greenery

vereda nf path, sidewalk

vergüenza nf embarrsment

verifcar v to verify

version nf version, account

verso nm verse, poem

verter v to pour, spill, shed

vertical adj vertical, upright

vertiginao adj dizzying

vestido adj dressed

vestido nm dress

vestir v to wear, dress

vestuario nm wardrobe, changing room

vez nf time (specific occurrence)

vía nf por vía: by means; road, way

viajar v to travel

viaje nm travel, trip

viajero nm traveler, passenger

vibración nf vibration

vibrar v to vibrate, tremble

viceversa adv vice versa

vicio nm vice, bad habit, defect

víctima nf victim, casualty

victoria nf victory, triumph

vida nf life

vidrio nm glass, pane

viejo adj old, aged

viento nm wind, scent

vientre nm womb, belly

viernes nm Friday

vigente adj in force, valid

vigilancia nf surveillance, vigilance

vigilar v to watch over, guard

vigo nm force, strength, vigor

vigoroso adj vigorous, strong

villa nf village, town

vinculado adj connected

vincular v to connect, link, bind

vículo nm tie, bond, link

vino nm wine

violación nf violation, rape

violar to violate, trespss, rape

violencia nf violence

violentamente adv violently

violento adj violent

violin nm violin

virgen nf virgin

virgen adj virgin

virtud nf virtue, quality

visible adj visible

vision nf vision

visita nf visit, visitor, guest

visitante nc visitor

visitor v to visit

vislumbrar v to glimpse

víspera nf eve

vista nf view, sight

visual adj visual

vital adj vital, lively, essential

vitalidad nf vitality, health

viuda nf widow

vivienda nf housing, dwelling

vivir v to live

vivo adj alive, bright

vocabulario nm vocabulary

vocación nf vocation, calling

vociferar v to proclaim, blare

volante nm steeing wheel

volar v to fly

volcán nm volcano

volcar v to turn/knock over, empty

volume nm volume

voluntad nf will, willpower, intention

voluntariamente adv voluntarily

voluntario adj voluntary, volunteer

volver v to return, to V again

vos pron you

vosotros pron you

votar v to vote

voto nm vote

voz nm voice

vuelo nm flight

vuelta nf return, turn

vuestro adj your

vulgar adj vulgar, common, banal

vulnerable adj vulnerable

LAST UPDATED 10/14/2022 7:29 PM