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Friday, October 21, 2022

Spanish :: Vocabulary Earth features and plants

Características de la tierra y plantas | Earth features and plants

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to earth's features and plants. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent. 

horizonte horizon

onda wave, ripple

luna moon

ola wave, billow

desierto desert

tierra earth, land, ground

campo field, country

naturaleza  nature, character

ambiente environment, atmosphere

terreno earth, ground, terrain

paisaje landscape

río river

mar sea

sol sun

árbol tree

cielo sky, heaven

playa beach

canal canal

jardín garden

monte mountain

rosa rose

flor flower

estrella star

montaña mountain

isla island

bosque forest

arena sand

valle valley

orilla edge, shore

selva forest, jungle

pino pine (tree)

llanura  plain, prairie

arroyo brook, stream

cima  summit, peak

cordillera  mountain, range

bahía  bay

latitud  latitude

vegetal  plant

volcán  volcano

cueva  cave

pantano swamp

vertiente slope, mountainside

cascada waterfall

estrecho strait

catarata waterfall

golfo gulf

prado meadow

península peninsula

meseta plateau

lago lake

grano grain, kernel

hierba herb, grass, weed

laguna lagoon

cauce bed, ditch

cerro hill

cañón canyon, cannon

sierra mountain, range, saw

paja straw, thatching

cumbre summit, top

océano ocean

vegetación vegetation

pasto grass, pasture

colina hill, slope

río  river