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Monday, October 10, 2022

Spanish :: Whose is it?

 ¿De quién es? | Whose is it? 

Below you will find a list of similar vocabulary words that indicate possession. These words identify "whose" it is. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent. 

Es mi bicicleta. It's my bicycle.
Es su bicicleta. It's your bicycle.
Es nuestro bicicleta. It's our bicycle.

More than one
mi bicicleta my bicycle
mis bicicletas my bicycles

su bicicleta his bicycle
sus bicicletas your bicycles

nuestro bicicleta our bicycle
nuestros bicicletas our bicycles

You can be expressed as an informal adjective (tu). No accent mark.
Es tu bicicleta. Its your bicycle.

Possessive words.
mío or mía mine
Es mío. It's mine.

suyo or suya yours, his, hers, theirs
Es suya. It's yours (his, hers, theirs).

tuyo or tuya yours (inf. sing.)
Es tuyo. It's yours.

Belongs to someone else, use de to indicate possession
Es de Juan.  It's Juan's.
Es de la universidad. It is the universities'.
Es de él. It's his.

 LAST UPDATED 10/10/2022 10:53 AM