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Friday, October 7, 2022

Spanish :: Words that tell Where and Direction

Palabras que dicen Dónde y Dirección | Words that tell Where and Direction

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words that tell where and direction. The vocabulary words presented are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent. 

está   it's 

encima adv above, on top

en el fondo  at the bottom

detrás  adv behind

abajo adv down, below, downward

lejos adv far (away, off)

aquí  adv here

en frente de  in front of 

adentro   adv inside

a un lado to the side

al lado de   next to

afuera   adv outside

allá adv there, over there

adelante adv forward, further, straight ahead

allí adv there, over there

a la izquierda to the left

cerca adv close, near

a la derecha  to the right

arriba adv up, above

este  nm east

norte  nm north

sur   nm south

oeste nm west

LAST UPDATED 10/15/2022 5:54 PM