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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Spanish :: Vocabulary Parts of the Body

Partes del Cuerpo | Parts of the Body

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to body parts. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent.

mano nf hand

ojo nm eye

cabeza nf head (part of body)

muñeca  wrist

cara nf face,expression

pie nm foot

lengua nf tongue

cuerpo  body

sangre nf blood

brazo nm arm

boca nf mouth

corazón nm heart

pelo nm hair

pierna nf leg

dedo nm finger, toe

espalda nf back

pecho nm chest, breast

hueso nm bone

cerebro nm brain

barbilla  chin

seno nm breast, bosom, cavity

diente nm tooth

cuello nm neck, collar

hombro nm shoulder

nariz nf nose 

rodilla nf knee

oreja nf ear

estómago nm stomach

nervio nm nerve

labio nm lip

cabello nm hair

músculo nm muscle

garganta nf throat

uña nf fingernail, toenail

piel  skin

cintura nf waist

vientre nm womb, belly

dientes  teeth

pulmón nm lung

barba nf beard

vena nf vein

puño nm fist 

esqueleto nm skeleton

bigote nm mustache

hígado nm liver

ceja nf eyebrow, brow

cadera nf hip

riñón nm kidney

codo nm elbow

mejilla nf cheek

entrañas nf bowels

cráneo nm skull

muslo nm thigh

tobillo nm ankle

arteria nf artery

mandíbula nf jaw

nuca nf nape of neck

nalga nf buttocks

pupila nf pupil

intestino adj,nm intestine

retina nf retina

pulgar nm thumb

pestaña nf eyelash

LAST UPDATED 10/10/2022 7:45 PM