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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Spanish :: Vocabulary Animals

Animals | Animals

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to animals. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent.

caballo nm horse

perro nm dog

gato nm cat

lagartija  lizard

lobo  wolf

pájaro nm bird

castor  beaver

hámster  hamster

ave nf bird

vaca nf cow

bestia nmf beast

toro nm bull

ganado nm livestock

pez nm fish

león nm lion

mosca nf fly

gallina nf hen

cerdo nm pig

pollo nm chicken

mono nm monkey

rata nf rat

insecto nm insect

oveja nf sheep

paloma nf dove

ratón nm mouse

gallo nm rooster

mariposa nf butterfly

serpiente nf snake

conejo nm rabbit

hormiga nf ant

oso nm bear

gusano nm worm

tigre nm tiger

burro nm donkey

araña nf spider

abeja nf bee

buey nm ox

pato nm duck

cabra nf goat

elefante nm elephant

águila nf eagle

mosquito nm mosquito

sapo nm toad

pajarito nm little bird

rana nf frog

tortuga nf turtle

zorro nm fox

víbora nf viper

murciélago nm bat

grillo nm cricket

cisne nm swan

ballena nm whale

cuervo nm raven

gaviota nf seagull

LAST UPDATED 10/22/2022 7:58 PM