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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Spanish :: Vocabulary Clothing

Ropa | Clothing

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to clothing. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent.

prenda piece of clothing

brazalete  bracelet

cadena  chain

arete  earring

joya  jewel

ropa interior  underwear

talla size (of clothing), stature

impermeable  raincoat

traje nm suit, dress, costume

bragas  panties

zapato nm shoe

calzoncillos  shorts

vestido nm dress

sandalias  sandals

camisa nf shirt

pañuelo  handkerchief

pantalón nm pants, trousers

bronceador  suntan lotion

bota nf boot, wineskin

traje de baño  bathing suit

botón nm button

collar  necklace

anillo  ring

reloj  watch

sombrero nm hat, sombrero

bufanda  scarf

abrigo nm overcoat

falda nf skirt

bata de baño  bathrobe

mitones  mittens

corbata nf tie, sash

peine  comb

manera nf sleeve

combinación  slip

guante nm glove

cepillo  hairbrush

pañuelo nm handkerchief, shawl

botas  boots

manto nm cloak

traje  suit

cinturón nm belt

saco  sportcoat

chaqueta nf jacket

sostén  brassiere

camiseta nf T-Shirt

paraguas  umbrella

blusa nf blouse

calcetines  socks

zapatilla nf sneakers

suéter  sweater

chaleco nm vest

tenis  tennis shoes

sostén nm bra

zapatillas  slippers

gorro nm cap

sudadera  sweatsuit

delantal nm apron

No debes ponerte eso.  You're not supposed to wear that.

No es appropiada. It isn't appropriate. 

LAST UPDATED 10/10/2022 8:14 PM