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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Spanish :: Vocabulary Transportation

Transportation | Transportation

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to transportation. The vocabulary words presented are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent. 

calle nf street

camino nm road, route, path

carretera nf highway, road

avenida nf freeway, motorway, avenue

autopista nf freeway, motorway

callejón nm alley

puerto nm port, harbor

vuelo nm flight

tráfico nm traffic, trade

paseo nm walk, ride

tránsito nm traffic, transit

aeropuerto nm airport

chofer n driver

metro nm meter, subway

coche nm car

barco nm boat, ship

tren nm train, convoy

avión nm plane, airplane, aircraft

vehículo nm vehicle, car

automóvil nm automobile

carro nm car, cart

auto nm auto, car

camión nm truck, van, tanker

ferrocarril nm railway

nave nf spacecraft, ship

taxi nm taxi, cab

bote nm boat, container

bicicleta nf bicicleta

buque nm ship, vessel, hull

tranvía nm trolley, tram, streetcar

autobús nm bus

cohete nm rocket

vagón nm carriage, wagon

helicóptero nm helicopter

ómnibus nm bus

camioneta nf small truck, station wagon

moto nf motorcycle

subterráneo adj underground

barca nf (small) boat

lancha nf boat, barge

LAST UPDATED 10/10/2022 3:18 PM