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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Spanish :: Vocabulary Verbs of communication

Verbos de Comunicación | Verbs of Communication

Below you will find a list of verbs related to communication. The verbs presented are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent.

decir v to tell, say

hablar v to speak, talk

contar v to tell, count

explicar v to explain

proponer v to propose

expresar v to express

anunciar v to announce, advertise

comentar v to comment on

discutir v to argue, discuss

mencionar v to mention, cite

pronunciar v to pronounce

afirmar v to declare, assent

aclarar v to clarify, clear up

declarar v to declare, testify

nombrar v to name, appoint

reclamar v to demand, require

gritar v to shout

criticar v to criticize, gossip

protestar v to protest, object

conversar v to converse

rezar v to pray

rogar v to pray, ask, implore

recitar v to recite

charlar v to chat, talk

alegar v to allege

articular v to articulate

invocar v to invoke

dialogar v to confer, talk

murmurar v to murmur

exclamar v to exclaim

clamar v to cry, clamor

susurrar v to whisper

suplicar v to plead, beg

chillar v to shriek, scream

orar v to pray

gruñir v to grunt, grumble

aullar v to howl, yell

enunciar v to enunciate

mascullar v to mutter, grumble

implorar v to implore, beg

platicar v to chat, converse

cuchichear v to whisper, mutter

vociferar v to proclaim, blare

LAST UPDATED 10/10/2022 10:46 PM