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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

French :: Vocabulary Clothing

Vêtements | Clothing

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to clothing. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their French to English equivalent.

bas  stockings (also low)

complet  suit

poche  pocket

vêtement  garment, clothing

robe  dress

gant   glove

chapeau  hat

manche  sleeve

chaussure  shoe

manteau  coat

chemise  shirt

bouton  button

ceinture  belt

pantalon  trousers, pants

botte  boot

gant  glove

maillot  jersey

veste  jacket

jupe  skirt

mouchoir  handkerchief,

cravate  necktie, tie

foulard  scarf

habillement  clothing

vestiaire  cloakroom

bonnet  bonnet

blouse  blouse

lingerie  lingerie

tablier  apron

bague  ring

gilet   vest

sabot  clog

soutien-gorge   bra

bretelles  suspenders

veston  jacket

t-shirt  T-shirt

slip  underpants

badge  badge

LAST UPDATED 10/19/2022 4:26 PM