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Monday, October 17, 2022

French :: Vocabulary Family and People

Famille et Personnes | Family and People

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to family. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their French to English equivalent.

famille  family

enfant  child

jumeau  twin

père  father

mère  mother

parent  parent

fille  daughter

fils  son

mariage  marriage

sœur  sister

frère  brother

mari  husband

femme wife

époux  male spouse

épouse  female spouse

maman  mommy

papa  daddy

bébé  baby

aîné  eldest

ancêtre  ancestor

cousin  cousin

descendant  descendant

héritier  heir

tante  aunt

oncle  uncle

parrain  godfather

grands-parents  grandparents

petits-enfants  grandchildren

petit-fils  grandson

grand-père  grandfather

grand-mère  grandmother