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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

French :: Vocabulary Transportation

Transport | Transportation

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to transportation. The vocabulary words presented are listed and defined with their French to English equivalent. 

train  train

rue  street

voie  road

voiture  car

transport  transportation

bateau  boat

port  harbor

avion  plane

navire  ship

vol  flight

véhicule  vehicule

aéroport  airport

automobile  automobile

camion  truck

gare  train station

hélicoptère  helicopter

routier  truck driver

missile  missile

ballon  ball

sous-marin  submarine

autoroute  freeway

transit  transit

bus  bus

vapeur  steamship

autobus  bus

taxi  taxi

jet  jet

auto  car

vélo  bicycle

rail  rail

navette  shuttle

boulevard  boulevard

garage  garage

wagon  wagon

fusée  rocket

ascenseur  elevator

LAST UPDATED 10/19/2022 7:54 PM