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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

French :: Vocabulary Materials and Elements

 Matériaux et éléments | Materials and Elements

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to materials and elements. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their French to English equivalent. 

or  gold

argent  money

papier  paper

fer  iron

pierre  stone

pétrole  crude oil

plastique  plastic

huile  oil

tissu  fabric

métal  metal

uranium  uranium

charbon  coal

matériau  material

acier  steel

carton  cardboard

béton  concrete

plomb  lead

bijou  jewel

boue  mud

coton  cotton

diamant  diamond

textile  textile

plutonium  plutonium

caoutchouc  rubber

marbre  marble

ciment  cement

soie  silk

brique  brick

cuivre  copper

cristal  crystal

aluminium  aluminium

perle  perl

ivoire  ivory

paille  straw

radium  radium

granit  granite

LAST UPDATED 10/19/2022 7:44 PM