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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

French :: Vocabulary Weather

Temps | Weather

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to weather. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their French to English equivalent. 


vent  wind

vague  wave

front  front (also forehead)

neige  snow

chaud  hot

climat  climate

pluie  rain

atmosphère  atmosphere

glace  ice

tempête  storm

chaleur  heat

température  temperature

rayon  ray

nuage  cloud

gel  frost

avalanche  avalanche

brouillard  fog

météo  weather forecast

inondation  flood

orage  thunderstorm

humide  humid

torrent  torrent

pluvieux  rainy

humidité  humidity


pleuvoir  to rain 

éclaircir  to clear up

neiger  to snow

saupoudrer  to sprinkle


froid  cold

nuageux  cloudy

sec  dry

ensoleillé  sunny

LAST UPDATED 10/19/2022 7:21 PM