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Friday, October 7, 2022

Spanish Dictionary :: Q


que conj that, which

qué pron what?, which? How

quebrar v to break, bend, weaken

quedar v to remain, stay

quehacer nm task, job, chore

queja nf complaint

quejar v to complain

quemado adj burned, burnt

quemado adj burned, burnt

quemar v to burn

querer v to want, love

querido adj dear, beloved

queso nm cheese

quien pron who, whom

quién pron who? Whom?

quieto adj still, motionless, calm

químico adj chemical

quince num fifteen

quinientos num five hundred

quinto adj fifth

quitar v to remove, take away

quizás adv perhaps maybe

LAST UPDATED 10/15/2022 3:23 AM