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Spanish Dictionary :: R


rabia nf rage

racional adj rational

radical adj radical

radicalmente adv radically

radicar v to lie, be situated

radio nmf radio; set, communication

raíz nf root

rama nf branch, bough, limb

ramo nm bunch (of flowers), branch

rancho nm ranch, farm

rango nm rank, range

rápidamente adv rapidly, quickly

rapidez nf speed, velocity

rápido adj quick, fast

raqueta nf racket

raro adj strange, rare, scarce

rascar v to scratch, scrape

rasgo nm feature, trait

rasto nm track, sign, flea market

rata nf rat

ratificar v to ratify

rato nm moment, while, time

ratón nm mouse, rat

raya nf line, ray, stripe

rayo nm ray, beam, lightning

raza nf race, lineage

razón nf reason; tener razón: to be right

razonable adj reasonable

razonamiento nm reasoning

razonar v to reason (out), think

reacción nf reaction

reaccionar v to react

real adj royal, real, authentic

realidad nf reality, actuality

realism nm realism

realista adj realistic

realización nf fulfillment, realization

realizar v to fulfill, carry out

realmente adv really, actually, in fact

reanudar v to renew, resume

reaparecer v to reappear

rebajar v to discount

rebaño nm herd, flock

rebasar v to exceed, pass over

rebelde adj/nc rebel, insurgent

rebeldía nf rebelliousness, defiance

rebelión nf rebellion

recelo nm mistrust, suspicion

recepción nf reception, waiting-room

receta nf recipe, prescription

rechazar v to reject

rechazo nm rejection, refusal

recivir v to receive

recién adv recently, just

reciente adj recent

recientemente adv recently

recinto nm grounds, precincts

recipiente nm container, recipient, tank

recíproco adj reciprocal

recitar v to recite

reclamar v to demand, require

reclamo nm claim, complaint, protest

recobrar v to recover, regain

recoger v to pick up

recomendación nf recommendation

recomendar v to recommend

recompensa nf reward, recompense

reconocer v to recognize, admit

reconocimiento nm recognition, acknowledgment

reconstrucción nf reconstruction

reconstruir v to reconstruct

recordar v to remember, remind

recorrer v to travel, cover (distance)

recorrido nm journey, itinerary, route

recorte nm clipping, cutting, trimming

recrear v to recreate, amuse

rectificar v to rectify, straighten (out)

recto adj right, straight, honest

recuerdo nm memory, keepsake

recuperación nf recovery, recuperation

recuperar v to recuperate, recover

recurrir v to resort to

recurso nm resource, recourse, means

red nf network, net, system

redacción nf editing, wording, essay

redactor v to edit, write, compose

redondo adj round

reducción nf reduction

reducido adj reduced, limited

reducer v to reduce

reemplazar v to replace

referencia nf reference, allusion

referente adj concerning

refreir v to refer (to)

refinado adj refined

relfjado adj reflected

reflejar v to reflect

reflejo nm reflection

reflexión nf reflection

reflexionar v to reflect, consider on

reforma nf reform, improvement

reforzar v to reinforce, strengthen

refugiar v to take shelter, give refuge

refugio nm shelter, refuge

regalar v to give (as a gift)

regalo nm gift, present

regar v to water, irrigate

regimen nm regime, diet

region nf region

regional adj regional

regir v to rule, govern, manage

registrar v to register, record

registro nm register, record

regla nf rule, ruler, regulation

reglamento nm regulation, rules

regresar v to return (to a place)

regreso nm return

regular adj regular

regular v to regulate, adjust

reina nf queen

reinar v to reign, prevail

reino nm kingdom, reign

reír v to laugh (at)

reiterar v to reiterate, repeat

reivindicación nf claim, demand, redemption

relación nf relationship, relation

relacionado adj related, regarding

relacionar v to relate

relajar v to relax

relámpago nm lightning

relativamente adv relatively

relative adj relative

relato nm tale, story

relevante adj relevant, significant

relieve nm relief; poner de relieve: to emphasive

religion nf religion

religioso adj religious

reloj nm clock, watch

rematar v to finish off, finish up

remediar v to heal, cure

remedio nm alternative, cure, solution

remitir v to remit

remontar v to go back to (time)

remote adj remote, far-off

remover v to remove

renacer v to reborn, reappear

rencor nm grudge, spite

rendimiento nm yield, output, efficiency

render v to give in; to render

renovación nf renewal, renovation

renovar v to renew, renovate

renta nf income

renuncia nf resignation, renunciation

renunciar v to give up, renounce

reparar v to repair, restore

repartir v to divide, deliver, distribute

reparto nm distribution, delivery

repasar v to review, revise

repente adv de + repente: suddly

repentino adj sudden

repercusión nf repercussion, impact

repertorio nm repertoire, list, index

repetición nf repetition

repetido adj repeated

repetir v to repeat

replete adj full, overcrowded

réplica nf answer, retort, copy

replica v to reply

reponer v to replace, restore

reportaje nm news report

reposar v to rest, lie down

reposo nm rest, peace

representación nf representation

representante nc representative

representar v represent

representativo adj representative

represión nf repression

reprimir v to repress

reprochar v to reproach

reproche nm reproach, criticism

reproducción nf reproduction

reproducer v to reproduce, repeat

república nf republic

republican adj republican

requerir v to require

requisite nm prerequisite, requirement

resaltar v to emphasive

rescatar v to rescue, save

rescate nm rescue, ransom

resentimiento nm resentment

reserve nf reservation, reserve

reservado adj reserved, booked

reservar v to reserve, book

residencia nf residence

residir v reside, live (in)

residuo nm residue, waste

resignación nf resignation, acceptance

resignar v to resign, relinquish

resistencia nf resistance, opposition

resistir v to resist, endure

resolución nf resolution

resolver v to resolve, settle, work out

resonancia nf resonance, repercussion

respaldo nm support, backing, back

respectivo adj respective

respect nm respect, con respect a: with regards to

respetable adj respectable

respetar to respect

respeto nm respect, regard

respetuoso adj respectful

respiración nf respiration, breath

respirar v to breathe

responder v to answer, respond

responsabilidad nf responsibility

responsible adj responsible

respuesta nf answer, reply

restablecer v to reestablish, restore

restante adj remaining

restar v to subtract, minimize

restaurante nm restaurant

restaurar v to restore, reinstate

resto nm rest, remainder, leftover

restricción nf restriction

resucitar v to resuscitate

resuelto adj resolved, determined

resultado nm result, outcome

resultar v to result, outcome, turn out

resultar v to result, turn out

resumen nm summary

resumir v to summarize

retener v to keep, retain

retina nf retina

retirada nf retreat, withdrawal

retirado adj retired, remote, secluded

retirar v to take away, retire

retiro nm withdrawal, retreat

reto nm challenge, defiance

retomar to retake, restart

retornar v to return, give back

retorno nm return

retrasar v to delay, fall behind

retraso nm delay

retrato nm portrait, photograph

retroceder v to go back

retroceso nm movement backwards

reunion nf meeting, reunion

reunir v to gather, meet, collect

revelación nf revelation

revelar v to reveal, disclose

reventar v to burst, puncture

revés nm al revés: backwards, upside down, inside out

revisar v to check, revise inspect

revision nf checking revision

revista nf magazine, journal

revivir v to revive

revolución nf revolution

revolucionario adj revolutionary

revolver to stir, mix, scramble

revuelto adj confused, messed up

rey nm king

rezar v to pray, recite

rico adj rich, tasty

ridículo adj ridiculous, absurd

rienda nf rein, restraint

riesgo nm risk

rigidez nf rigidity

rígido adj rigid, stiff, firm

rigor nm harshness, rigor

riguroso adj rigorous, severe

rincón nm corner, nook

riñón nm kidney

río nm river

riqueza nf riches, wealth

risa nf laugh, chuckle

rítmico adj rhythmic

ritmo nm rhythm

rito nm rite, ritual

ritual nm ritual, rite

rival nc rival

robar v to rob, steal

robo nm theft, robbery

robusto adj strong, robust, sturdy

roca nf rock

roce nm brush, graze

rocio nm dew

rodar v to roll, run, scatter

rodeado adj surrounded

rodear v to surround

rodilla nf knee

rogar v to implore, pray, ask

rojo adj red

rol nm role

rollo nm roll, coil

romano adj Roman

romántico adj romantic

romper v to break

ronda nf round

ropa nf clothes, clothing

rosa nf rose

rosado adj pink, rosy

rosario nm rosary, beads, string

rostro nm face, countenance

roto adj broken, torn

rotundo adj categorical

rozar v to touch (lightly)

rubio adj blonde, fair

rudo adj rude, crude, coarse

rueda nf wheel

ruido nm noise

ruidoso adj noisy

ruina nf ruin, collapse

rumbo nm direction, course, bearing

rumor nm rumor, murmur

rupture nf break-up rupture

rural adj rural, country

ruso adj Russian

rústico adj rustic, rural

ruta nf route

rutina nf routine

LAST UPDATED 10/15/2022 3:24 AM