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Friday, October 7, 2022

Spanish Dictionary :: S


sábado nm Saturday

sábana nf (bed) sheet

saber v to know (a fact), find out

saber nm knowledge

sabiduría nf wisdom, knowledge

sabio adj wise, learned

sabor nm taste, flavor, sensation

sabroso adj delicious, tasty

sacar v to take out

sacerdote nm priest

saco nm sack, bag, plunder

sacrificar v to sacrifice

sacrificio nm sacrifice

sacudir v to shake, jolt

sagrado adj sacred

sal nf salt

sala nf room, hall

salario nm salary, wages

salida nf exit, escape, outcome

salir v to leave, go out

salón nm hall, room

saltar to jump, hop, skip

salto nm jump, hop, skip

salud nf health

saludable adj healthy, wholesome

saludar v to greet, say hello

saludo nm greeting

salvación nf salvation, rescue

salvadoreño adj El Salvadorian

salvaje adj wild, savage, uncultivated

salvar v to save, rescue

salvo adv except (for), but

sanción nf sanction, approval, penalty

sangre nf blood

sangriento adj bloody

sanitario adj health, sanitary, clean

sano adj healthy, wholesome

santa nf saint

santo nm saint

sargento nm sergeant

satisfacción nf satisfaction

satisfacer v to satisfy

satisfactorio adj satisfactory

satisfecho adj satisfied

se pron

secar v to dry

sección nf section, cut

seco adj dry, arid

secretario nm/f secretary

secreto adj secret, nm

sector nm sector, area, section

secuencia nf sequence

secular adj secular, lay

secundario adj secondary

sed nf thirst

seda nf silk

sede nf headquarters, seat

seducir v to seduce, tempt

seguido adj in a row, successive

seguidor nm follower, supporter, fan

seguir v to follow, keep on

según prep according to

segundo adj/nm second

seguramente adv surely, securely

seguridad nf security, safety

seguro adj, nm safe, sure, secure, insurance

seis num six

selección nf selection, choice

seleccionar v to select

sello nm stamp, seal

selva nf forest, jungle

semana nf week

seminal adj weekly

sembrar v to sow, plant

semejante adj similar, such, alike

semejanza nf similarity, likeness

semilla nf seed

seminario nm seminar, seminary

seña nf sign, mark, seal

senador nm/f senator

señal nf sign, mark, token

señalar v to point (out), signal

sencillamente adv simply

sencillez nf simplicity

sencillo adj simple, plain, easy

senda nf path, lane

sendero nm (foot) path

seno nm breast, bosom, cavity

señor nm sir, Mr. lord

señora nf Mrs. lady, madam

señorita nf young woman

sensación nf sensation, feeling

sensibilidad nf sensitivity

sensible adj sensitive, sentient

sentado adj seated

sentar v to sit (down), seat

sentencia nf (legal) sentence, judgment

sentido nm sense, feeling

sentimental adj sentimental

sentimiento nm feeling, sentiment

sentir to feel, regret

sentir nm feeling

separación nf separation

separado adj separate

separar to separate

septiembre nm September

séptimo adj seventh

sequía nf drought

ser v to be (norm)

ser nm being

serenidad nf serenity, calm

sereno adj serene, calm

seriamente adv seriously

serie nf series

seriedad nf seriousness

serio adj serious

serpiente nf snake

servicio nm service, helpfulness

servidor nm/f servant

servidumbre nf staff of servants, servitude

server v to serve

sesenta num sixty

session nf session, meeting

setenta num seventy

severo adj severe

sexo nm sex

sexto adj sixth

sexual adj sexual

si conj if, whether

 adv yes

siempre adv always, forever

sierra nf mountain range, saw

siesta nf siesta, afternoon nap

siete num seven

siglo nm century, age

significación nf meaning, significance

significado nm meaning

significar v to mean

signifactivo adj significant, meaningful

signo nm sign, mark, symbol

siguiente adj following, next

silencio nm silence

silencioso adj quiet, silent

silla nf chair, seat

sillón nm archchair, seat

silvestre adj wild

simbólico adj symbolic

símbolo nm symbol

similar adj similar

simpatía nf sympathy, affinity

simpatico adj nice, likeable, friendly

simple adj simple, mere, simple-minded

simplemente adv simply, just

similar v to pretend, simulate

simultáneamente adv simultaneously

simultáneo adj simultaneous

sin prep without

sinceramente adv sincerely

sinceridad nf sincerity

sincero adj sincere

sindicato nm trade union

singular adj single, singular

sinestro adj sinister

sino conj but, except, rather

síntesis nf synthesis

sintético adj synthetic

síntoma nm symptom

siquiera adv even (if)

sirena nf siren, mermaid

sistema nm system

sistemático adj systematic

sitio nm place,space

situación nf situation

situado adj situated, located

situar v to situated, located

situar to situate, place, locate

soberanía nf sovereignty

soberano adj sovereigh, self-assured

soberbio adj proud, arrogant

sobra nf excess, surplus, leftover

sobrar v to be too much, left over

sobre prep on top of, over, about

sobrepasar excel, out perform

sobresalir to stand out, excel

sobrevenir v to occur, befall, strike

sobrevivir v to survive, outlive

sobrino nm nephew

social adj social

soialista adj socialist

soiedad nf society

socio nm member, partner

sofisticado adj sophisticated

sol nm sun

solamente adv only

solar adj solar

soldado nm/f soldier

soleado adj sunny

soledad nf loneliness, solitude

solemne adj solemn

soler v to be accustomed to solicitor v to solict, request

solicitud nf request, application

solidaridad nf solidarity, togetherness

solidario adj united, jointly shared

sólido adj solid, strong

solitario adj solitary, lonely

solo adj lonely, alone

solo adv only, just

soltar v to release, loosen, let out

soltero adj single, not married

solución nf solution, answer

solucionar v to solve, settle

sombra nf shade, shadow

sombrero nm hat, sombrero

sobrío adj shady, dark, dismal

someter v to subject

sonar v to sound, ring

soñar to dream

sonoro adj loud, resounding

sonreír v to smile

sonriente adj smiling

sonrisa nf smile

sopa nf soup

soplar v to blow (wind)

soportar v to endure, stand (something)

soporte nm support, endorsement

sordo adj deaf, dull

sorprendente adj surprising, astonishing

sorprender v to surprise

sorprendido adj surprised

sorpresa nf surprise

sospecha nf suspicion

sospechar v to suspect, suppose

sospechoso adj suspicious

sostén bra

sostener v to suspect, suppose

sostenido adj sustained, steady

sótano nm basement

soviético adj Soviet

su adj his/her/their/your

suave adj soft, gentle, mild

suavemente adv softly

subir v to go up

subito adj sudden

subjetivo adj subjective

subrayar v to underline, highlight, emphasize

subsistir v to subsist, survive

subterráneo adj underground

suceder v to happen

sucesión nf succession, series

sucesivamente adv successively, step

sucesivo adj successive, following

suceso nm event, incident

sucio adj dirty, filthy, underhanded

sudar v to sweat

sudor nm sweat perspiration

sueldo nm salary, pay

suelo nm ground, floor

sulto adj loose

sueco adj Swedish

sueño nm dream, sleep

suerte nf luck, fortune

suficiente adj sufficient, enough

suficientemente adv enough

sufrimiento nm suffering

sufrir v to suffer, undergo

sugerncia nf suggestion

sugerir v to suggest, hint at

suicidio nm suicide

suizo adj Swiss

sujetar v to fasten, attach, hold

sujeto nm subject, individual

sujeto adj fastened, subject to

suma nf sum, amount, summary

sumemente adv extremely, highly

sumar v to add up amount to

sumergir v to submerge, plunge

sumido adj sunken, drowned

sumo adj utmost, highest

supercar v to overcome, surpass

superficial adj superficial

superficie nf surface, area

superior adj superior, upper

superioridad nf superiority

supervivencia nf survival

suplicar v to plead, beg

suponer v to suppose, assume

supremo adj supreme

suprimir v to suppress, delete

supuestamente adv supposedly, allegedly

supuesto adj supposed; por supesto: of course

sur nm south

surgir v to appear, spring (forth)

susceptible adj susceptible

suscitar v to arouse, provoke

suspender v to suspend, hang, fail

suspirar v to sigh

sustancia nf substance, essence

sustentar v to maintain, support

sustituir v to substitute, replace

susto nm fright, scare

susurrar v to whisper

sutil adj subtle

suyo pron his, hers, yours, theirs


LAST UPDATED 10/15/2022 3:27 AM