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Friday, October 7, 2022

Spanish Dictionary :: T


tabaco nm tobacco, cigarette, ciga

tabla nf chart, board, table, plank

táctica nf tactics, strategy

tacto nm sense of touch, feel

tal adj such (a)

talent nm talent, skill

talla nf size (of clothing) stature

taller nm workshop, shop

talon nm heel, check, coupon, stub

tamaño nm heel, check, coupon, stub

tabmién adv also

tambor nm drum

tampoco adv neither, nor, either

tan adv such, as, too, so

tanque nm tank, large container

tanto adj so much, so many

tapa nf cover, lid

tardar v to delay, take long

tarde nf afternoon, evening

tarde adv late

tardío adj late, belated

tarea nf task, job

tarjeta nf card

tasa nf rate, fee, levy

taxi nm taxi, cab

taza nf cup, bowl

te pron you

 nm tea

teatral adj theatrical

teatro nm theater, drama

techo nm roof

técnica nf technique, skill

ténico adj technical, technician

tecnológico adj technological

tejado nm roof, housetop

tejer to sew, weave

tejido nm fabric, tissue

tela nf cloth, fabric

telfónico adj telephone

teléfono nm phone, telephone

television nf TV, television

televisor nm television set

tema nm theme, subject, topic

temblar v to tremble, shake

templado adj mild, lukewarm

temblor nm tremor, shudder, shiver

temer to fear

temeroso adj fearful

temor nm fear

temperamento nm temperament, personality

temperatura nf temperature

tempestad nf (thunder) storm

templo nm temple, church

temporada nf season, period, time

temporal adj temporary, storm

temprano adj, adv early

tendecia nf tendency, style

tender v to tend to, lay out

tendido adj spread, hung, laid (out)

tener v to have

teniente nm lieutenant, deputy mayor

tenis nm tennis

tenor nm a tenor de: in accordance with

tension nf tension, stress, strain

tenso adj tight, tense

tentación nf temptation

tentar to tempt, entice

tenue adj tenous, flimsy

teoría nf theory

teórico adj theoretical

tercero adj third

tercio nm third

terminar v to finish, end

término nm term (language)

ternura nf tenderness

terraza nf terrace, balcony

terremoto nm earthquake

terreno nm ground, earth, terrain

terrestre adj earthly, of the earth

terrible adj terrible

terriblemente adv terribly

territorio nm territory

terror nm terror, horro

tertulia nf get-together, meeting of friends

tesis nf thesis, exposition

tesoro nm treasure, thesaurus

testigo nm witness

testimonio nm testimony, evidence

texto nm text

ti pron you

 nf aunt

tibio adj lukewarm

tiempo nm time (general), weather

tienda nf shop, store, tent

tierno adj tender, soft

tierra nf earth, land, ground

tigre nm tiger

timbre nm doorbell, bell, seal, stamp

timidez nf shyness, timidity

tímido adj timid, shy, half-hearted

tinta nf ink

tinte nm tint, dye

tío nm uncle, guy

típico adj typical

tipo nm type, kind

tira nf strip, strap

tirar v to throw, pull

tiro nm throw, shot

titular nm headline, holder

titular v to title, call

título nm title, heading

toalla nf towel

tobillo nm ankle

tocar to touch, play (instrument)

todavía adv still, yet

todo adj all, every

tolerancia nf tolerance

tolerar v to tolerate, put up with

tomar v to take, drink

tomate nm tomato

tonelada nf ton

tono nm tone

tontería nf stupidity, stupid thing

tonto adj stupid, dumb

topar v to run into, bump into

toque nm touch, ringing, warning

torcer to twist, bend, distort

tormenta nf storm

tornar v to transform, turn

torno nm en torno a: about, regarding

toro nm bull

torpe adj clumsy, awkward, slow

torre nf tower

torrente nm torrent, flood

torta nf cake

tortilla nf tortilla

tortura nf torture

total adj total, entire

totalidad nf whole, totality

totalmente adv totally, completely

travajador nm/f worker, laborer

trabajador adj hardworking

trabajar v to work

trabajo nm work, job, effort

tradición nf tradition

tradicional adj traditional

tradicionalmente adv traditionally

traducción nf translation

traducer to translate

traer to bring, carry

tráfico nm traffic, trade

tragar v to swallow

tragedia nf tragedy

trágico adj tragic

trago nm swig, drink

traición nf treason, betrayal

traicionar v to betray

traidor nm traitor

traje nm suit, dress, costume

trama nf plot, theme

trámite nm procedure, step requirement

tramo nm section, stetch, plot

trampa nf trick, trap; hacer trampa: to cheat

trance nm trance, fix, enrapture

tranquilamente adv calmy, peacefully

tranquilidad nf tranquility, peace

tranquilizar v to calm down

tranquilo adj calm, tranquil, relaxed

transcurrir v to occur, take place

transcurso nm passing, course, lapse

transformación nf transformation

transformer v to transform, change

transición nf transition

transitar v to roam, go by

tránsito nm traffic, transit

transitorio adj transitory

transmission nf broadcast, transmission

transmitir v to transmit, broadcast

transparencia nf transparency, slide

transparent adj transparent, clear

transporter v to transport, carry

transporte nm transportation, transport

tranvía nm trolley, tram, streetcar

trapo nm rag, cloth

tras prep after, behind

trascendencia nf transcendent nature, significance

transcendental adj far-reaching, transcendental

trascendente adj transcendent

tresero adj behind, back

trasladar to move, transfer

traslado nm tranfer

traspasar v to go beyond, cross over

trastorno nm confusion, trouble, upheaval

tratado nm treaty, treatise

tratamiento nm treatment, processing

tartar v to try, treat, deal with

trato nm treatment, manner, agreement

través adv a través: across, over, through

trayecto nm trajectory, course, path

trayectoria nf trajectory, path

trazar to draw, trace

trazo nm line, stroke

trece num thirteen

tregue nf truce, rest

treinta num thirty

tremendo adj tremendous, dreadful, huge

tren nm train, convoy

trepar v to climb

tres num three

trescientos num three hundred

triángulo nm triangle

tribu nf tribe

tribunal nm court

trigo nm wheat

triple adj triple

triste adj sad, unhappy

tristeza nf sadness

triunfar v to triumph

triunfo nm triumph, victory

tronco nm trunk, torso

trono nm throne

tropa nf troops, forces

tropezar v to trip, stumble

tropical adj tropical

trozo nm piece, chunk

truco nm trick, ruse

trueno nm thunder

tu adj you

 pron you

tubo nm tube, pipe

tumba nf tomb, grave

tumbar v to knock over, cast down

túnel nm tunnel

turco adj Turkish

turismo nm tourism

turista nc tourist

turístico adj tourist

turno nm turn, shift; en turno a: around

tuyo pron yours

LAST UPDATED 10/15/2022 3:29 AM