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Friday, October 7, 2022

Spanish Dictionary :: U


ubicacion nf position, location

ubicar v to find, locate

últimamente adv lately, recently

ultimo adj last, final

umbral nm threshold, outset

un art a, an

uña nf nail, fingernail, toenail

únicamente adv only

único adj only, unique, sole

unidad nf unit, unity

unido adj united

uniforme nm uniform

uniforme adj uniform

union nf union

unir v to unite, join (together)

universal adj universal

universidad nf university, college

universitario adj university

uno num one

urbano adj urban, city, urbane

urgencia nf urgency

urgente adj urgent

uruguayo adj Uruguayan

usado adj worn out, old, used

usar to use

uso nm use

usted pron you

usual adj normal, usual

útil adj useful

utilidad nf usefulness, utility

utilización nf use, utilization

utilizer v to use, utilize

uva nf grape


LAST UPDATED 10/15/2022 3:47 AM