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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Spanish :: Dictionary abbreviations

Spanish Dictionary Abbreviations

art article

adj adjective

adv adverb

conj conjunction

f feminine

interj interjection

m masculine

n neuter

nc noun common

nf noun feminine

nm noun masucline

nmf noun masc/feminine

numb number 

pl plural

prep preposition

pron pronoun

sg singular

subj subject

v verb

LAST UPDATED 10/07/2022 3:27 PM

Spanish :: Vocabulary Animals

Animals | Animals

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to animals. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent.

caballo nm horse

perro nm dog

gato nm cat

lagartija  lizard

lobo  wolf

pájaro nm bird

castor  beaver

hámster  hamster

ave nf bird

vaca nf cow

bestia nmf beast

toro nm bull

ganado nm livestock

pez nm fish

león nm lion

mosca nf fly

gallina nf hen

cerdo nm pig

pollo nm chicken

mono nm monkey

rata nf rat

insecto nm insect

oveja nf sheep

paloma nf dove

ratón nm mouse

gallo nm rooster

mariposa nf butterfly

serpiente nf snake

conejo nm rabbit

hormiga nf ant

oso nm bear

gusano nm worm

tigre nm tiger

burro nm donkey

araña nf spider

abeja nf bee

buey nm ox

pato nm duck

cabra nf goat

elefante nm elephant

águila nf eagle

mosquito nm mosquito

sapo nm toad

pajarito nm little bird

rana nf frog

tortuga nf turtle

zorro nm fox

víbora nf viper

murciélago nm bat

grillo nm cricket

cisne nm swan

ballena nm whale

cuervo nm raven

gaviota nf seagull

LAST UPDATED 10/22/2022 7:58 PM

Spanish :: Vocabulary Parts of the Body

Partes del Cuerpo | Parts of the Body

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to body parts. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent.

mano nf hand

ojo nm eye

cabeza nf head (part of body)

muñeca  wrist

cara nf face,expression

pie nm foot

lengua nf tongue

cuerpo  body

sangre nf blood

brazo nm arm

boca nf mouth

corazón nm heart

pelo nm hair

pierna nf leg

dedo nm finger, toe

espalda nf back

pecho nm chest, breast

hueso nm bone

cerebro nm brain

barbilla  chin

seno nm breast, bosom, cavity

diente nm tooth

cuello nm neck, collar

hombro nm shoulder

nariz nf nose 

rodilla nf knee

oreja nf ear

estómago nm stomach

nervio nm nerve

labio nm lip

cabello nm hair

músculo nm muscle

garganta nf throat

uña nf fingernail, toenail

piel  skin

cintura nf waist

vientre nm womb, belly

dientes  teeth

pulmón nm lung

barba nf beard

vena nf vein

puño nm fist 

esqueleto nm skeleton

bigote nm mustache

hígado nm liver

ceja nf eyebrow, brow

cadera nf hip

riñón nm kidney

codo nm elbow

mejilla nf cheek

entrañas nf bowels

cráneo nm skull

muslo nm thigh

tobillo nm ankle

arteria nf artery

mandíbula nf jaw

nuca nf nape of neck

nalga nf buttocks

pupila nf pupil

intestino adj,nm intestine

retina nf retina

pulgar nm thumb

pestaña nf eyelash

LAST UPDATED 10/10/2022 7:45 PM

Spanish :: Vocabulary Food

Comida | Food

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to food. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent. 

alimento nm food, nourishment

bistec  steak

alimentación nf feeding, food

dulces  candy

plato nm plate, dish

atún  tuna

bebida nf drink, beverage

pan tostado  toast

cena nf dinner

almuerzo nm lunch

vainilla  vanilla

desayuno nm breakfast

aceituna  olive

helado  ice cream

ingrediente nm ingredient

chicle  gum

vinagre  vinegar

banquete nm banquet, feast

agua nf water

carne nf meat, flesh

champiñones  mushrooms

vino nm wine

batido  shake

café nm coffee, café

café  descafeinado  decaffeinated coffee

nueces  nuts

mostaza  mustard

mermelada  marmalade

leche nf milk 

lechuga  lettuce

mayonesa  mayonnaise

pan nm bread

fruta nf fruit

leche descremada  skim milk

huevo nm egg

azúcar nm sugar

soda dietética  diet soda

 nm tea

papitas  potato chips

alcohol nm alcohol

salsa  sauce

gelatina  jello

aceite   oil

pescado nm fish

albaricoque  apricot

sal nf salt

papa nf potato

melocotón  peach

manzana nf apple

naranja nf orange (fruit)

fresa  strawberry

panecillos  rolls

postre nm dessert

miel nf honey

dulce adj sweet

rósbif  roast beef

arroz nm rice

cervaza nf beer, ale

queso nm cheese

grasa nf grease, fat

maíz nm corn, maize

toronja  grapefruit

harina nf flour

uva nf grape

jugo nm juice

pasta nf pasta, dough

chocolate nm chocolate

sopa nf soup

mate nm mate (beverage)

tomate nm tomato

trigo nm wheat

verdura nf vegetable

pimienta  pepper

crema de maní  peanut butter

encurtido  pickle

refresco  soft drink

vegetal n vegetable

whisky nm whisky

crema nf cream

caldo nm broth, soup

arvejitas  peas

torta nf cake

rábano  radish

caramel nm caramel, piece of candy

espinaca  spinach

coco nm coconut

cebolla nf onion

manteca nf butter, lard

té helado  iced tea

jamón nm ham

cereza  cherry

helado adj iced, freezing, icy

melón  cantaloupe

pastel nm cake

limonada  lemonade

plátano nm banana

remolacha  beet

limón nm lemon

galleta nf cookie

salchicha  sausage

nuez nf nut

frijoles  beans

pavo nm turkey

pera nf pear (fruit)

salsa para la ensalada  salad dressing

repollo  cabbage

cereal nm cereal

ensalada nf salad

marisco  seafood

tortilla nf tortilla

piña nf pineapple

ajo nm garlic

zanahoria nf carrot

apio  celery

mantequilla nf butter, margarine

licor  liquor

tocino  bacon

cinnamon  canela

pollo chicken

huevos  eggs

yogurt  yogurt

papas fritas  french fries

chile  hot pepper

hamburguesas  hamburgers

perros calientes  hot dogs

fideos  noodles

cerdo  pork

chocolate caliente hot chocolate


quemado  burned

fresco  fresh

frito  fried

congelado  frozen

duro  hard

húmedo  moist

crudo  raw

podrido  rotten

cocido  cooked

delicioso  delicious

seco  dry

No tienes mucho tiempo para comer.  You don't have much time to eat.

La comida es muy buena.  The food is very good.

LAST UPDATED 10/23/2022  11:27 AM

Spanish :: Vocabulary Clothing

Ropa | Clothing

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to clothing. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent.

prenda piece of clothing

brazalete  bracelet

cadena  chain

arete  earring

joya  jewel

ropa interior  underwear

talla size (of clothing), stature

impermeable  raincoat

traje nm suit, dress, costume

bragas  panties

zapato nm shoe

calzoncillos  shorts

vestido nm dress

sandalias  sandals

camisa nf shirt

pañuelo  handkerchief

pantalón nm pants, trousers

bronceador  suntan lotion

bota nf boot, wineskin

traje de baño  bathing suit

botón nm button

collar  necklace

anillo  ring

reloj  watch

sombrero nm hat, sombrero

bufanda  scarf

abrigo nm overcoat

falda nf skirt

bata de baño  bathrobe

mitones  mittens

corbata nf tie, sash

peine  comb

manera nf sleeve

combinación  slip

guante nm glove

cepillo  hairbrush

pañuelo nm handkerchief, shawl

botas  boots

manto nm cloak

traje  suit

cinturón nm belt

saco  sportcoat

chaqueta nf jacket

sostén  brassiere

camiseta nf T-Shirt

paraguas  umbrella

blusa nf blouse

calcetines  socks

zapatilla nf sneakers

suéter  sweater

chaleco nm vest

tenis  tennis shoes

sostén nm bra

zapatillas  slippers

gorro nm cap

sudadera  sweatsuit

delantal nm apron

No debes ponerte eso.  You're not supposed to wear that.

No es appropiada. It isn't appropriate. 

LAST UPDATED 10/10/2022 8:14 PM

Spanish :: Vocabulary Transportation

Transportation | Transportation

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to transportation. The vocabulary words presented are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent. 

calle nf street

camino nm road, route, path

carretera nf highway, road

avenida nf freeway, motorway, avenue

autopista nf freeway, motorway

callejón nm alley

puerto nm port, harbor

vuelo nm flight

tráfico nm traffic, trade

paseo nm walk, ride

tránsito nm traffic, transit

aeropuerto nm airport

chofer n driver

metro nm meter, subway

coche nm car

barco nm boat, ship

tren nm train, convoy

avión nm plane, airplane, aircraft

vehículo nm vehicle, car

automóvil nm automobile

carro nm car, cart

auto nm auto, car

camión nm truck, van, tanker

ferrocarril nm railway

nave nf spacecraft, ship

taxi nm taxi, cab

bote nm boat, container

bicicleta nf bicicleta

buque nm ship, vessel, hull

tranvía nm trolley, tram, streetcar

autobús nm bus

cohete nm rocket

vagón nm carriage, wagon

helicóptero nm helicopter

ómnibus nm bus

camioneta nf small truck, station wagon

moto nf motorcycle

subterráneo adj underground

barca nf (small) boat

lancha nf boat, barge

LAST UPDATED 10/10/2022 3:18 PM

Spanish :: Vocabulary Verbs of communication

Verbos de Comunicación | Verbs of Communication

Below you will find a list of verbs related to communication. The verbs presented are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent.

decir v to tell, say

hablar v to speak, talk

contar v to tell, count

explicar v to explain

proponer v to propose

expresar v to express

anunciar v to announce, advertise

comentar v to comment on

discutir v to argue, discuss

mencionar v to mention, cite

pronunciar v to pronounce

afirmar v to declare, assent

aclarar v to clarify, clear up

declarar v to declare, testify

nombrar v to name, appoint

reclamar v to demand, require

gritar v to shout

criticar v to criticize, gossip

protestar v to protest, object

conversar v to converse

rezar v to pray

rogar v to pray, ask, implore

recitar v to recite

charlar v to chat, talk

alegar v to allege

articular v to articulate

invocar v to invoke

dialogar v to confer, talk

murmurar v to murmur

exclamar v to exclaim

clamar v to cry, clamor

susurrar v to whisper

suplicar v to plead, beg

chillar v to shriek, scream

orar v to pray

gruñir v to grunt, grumble

aullar v to howl, yell

enunciar v to enunciate

mascullar v to mutter, grumble

implorar v to implore, beg

platicar v to chat, converse

cuchichear v to whisper, mutter

vociferar v to proclaim, blare

LAST UPDATED 10/10/2022 10:46 PM

Spanish :: Vocabulary Verbs of Movement

Verbos de Movimiento | Verbs of Movement

Below you will find a list of verbs related to movement. The verbs presented are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent.

ir to go

pasar to pass

salir to go out

entrar to enter

caer to fall

correr to run

mover to move, incite

subir to go up, on

andar to walk

bajar to come down

avanzar to advance

viajar to travel

conducir to lead, drive

manejar to drive, handle

caminar to walk

saltar to jump, leap

marchar to go, walk, march

trasladar to move, trasfer

volar to fly

apartar to move away, seperate

huir to flee, run away (from)

descender to descend

desplazar to move, shift, replace

circular to circulate, go around, flow

pasear to go for a walk

tropezar to trip, stumble

nadar to swim

acelerar to accelerate, speed (up)

rodar to roll, run, scatter

navegar to navigate, sail

explorar to explore

deslizar to slide, glide, slip

trepar to climb

transitar to roam, go by

irrumpir to burst in, raid

vagar to wander (about)

resbalar to slip, slide

rondar to hover, patrol

deambular to roam, wander

brincar to leap

revolotear to flutter, hover

Spanish :: Vocabulary Adjectives of Emotion

Adjetivos de Emoción | Adjectives of Emotion

Below you will find a list of adjectives related to emotion. The adjectives presented are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent.


feliz adj happy, fortunate

orgulloso adj proud, arrogant

relajado  adj  relaxed

satisfecho adj satisfied

listo  adj  ready

atraído adj attracted

capaz adj capable, able

contento adj happy, content

disponible  adj  available

cómodo adj comfortable, convenient

cierto adj certain, sure, true

bien  adj  fine

emocionado  adj  excited

halagado v flattered

libre adj free

vivo adj alive, bright

honrado adj honest, respectable

tranquilo adj calm, tranquil, relaxed

superior adj superior, upper

seguro adj safe, sure, secure

popular adj popular

emocionado adj excited

preparado  adj  prepared

animado adj excited


inclinado adj inclined

responsable adj responsible

regular adj OK

conmovido adj touched

sorprendido adj surprised

raro adj strange

ocupado  adj comfortable

inseguro adj unsure

rodeado adj surrounded

comprometido adj committed

aislado adj isolated


cansado adj tired

obligado adj obliged

incapaz adj incapable

preocupado  adj  worried


solo adj lonely

culpable adj guilty

incómodo adj uncomfortable

humillado adj humiliated

amenazado adj threatened

embarressed adj embarrassed

nervioso  adj nervous

extraño adj strange

ofendido adj offended

triste adj sad

perdido adj lost

enfermo adj ill

defraudado adj disappointed

aliviado adj relieved

frustrado adj frustrated

acosado adj harassed

débil adj weak

tentado adj tempted

deprimido adj depressed

traicionado adj betrayed

aturdido adj bewildered

decepcionado adj let down

turbado  adj  upset

enojado adj upset

desconcertado adj disconcerted

atrapado adj trapped

inquieto adj restless

abandonado adj abandoned

sucio adj dirty

desorientado adj disoriented

desolado adj devastated

desamparado adj forsaken

cohibido adj self-conscious

aburrido  adj  bored

agredido adj attacked

estafado adj cheated

invadido adj assailed

LAST UPDATED 10/20/2022 7:23 PM

Spanish :: Vocabulary Languages and Ethinicities

Idiomas y Etnias | Languages and Ethnicities

Below you will find a list of vocabulary related to languages and ethnicities. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent.

español adj Spanish

argentino adj Argentinian

chileno adj Chilean

mexicano adj Mexican

cubano adj Cuban

peruano adj Peruvian

colombiano adj Colombian

boliviano adj Bolivian

venezolano adj Venezuelan

paraguayo adj Paraguayan

uruguayo adj Uruguayan

nicaragüense adj Nicaraguan

panameño adj Panamanian

domicicano adj Dominican

puertoriqueño adj Puerto Rican

guatemalteco adj Guatemalan

salvadoreño adj El Salvadorian

costarricense adj Costa Rican

hondrueño adj Honduran

inglés adj English

francés adj French

italiano adj Italian

alemán adj German

europeo adj European

americano adj American

chino adj Chinese

griego adj Greek

romano adj Roman

japanés adj Japanese

ruso adj Russian

árabe adj Arab

británico adj British

turco adj Turkish

portugués adj Portuguese

holandés adj Dutch

brasileño adj Brazilian

suizo adj Swiss

sueco adj Swedish

belgo adj Belgian

polaco adj Polish

escocés adj Scottish

estadounidense adj US

irlandés adj Irish

canadiense adj Canadian

húngaro adj Hungarian

danés adj Danish

checo adj Czech

australiano adj Australian

noruego adj Norwegian

coreano adj Korean

LAST UPDATED 10/13/2022 4:21 PM

Spanish :: Vocabulary Opposites

Opuestos | Opposites

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to opposites. The vocabulary words presented are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent. Note that description words that begin with no, in-, or des- often refer to an opposite.

más adj more

menos adj less, fewer

seco adj dry

mojado adj wet

bonito adj pretty

feo adj ugly

primero adj first

ultimo adj last, final

grande adj large, great, big

pequeño adj small

mucho adj many

poco adj few

limpio adj clean

sucio adj dirty

nuevo adj new

viejo adj old

bueno adj good

malo adj bad

mejor adj better

peor adj worse

mayor adj older

menor adj younger

posible adj possible

imposible adj impossible

largo adj long

corto adj short

alto adj tall

bajo adj low

verdadero adj true

falso adj false

abierto adj open

cerrado adj closed

lleno adj full

vacío adj empty

empleado employed

desempleado unemployed

fácil adj easy

dificil adj difficult

rico adj rich

pobre adj poor

barato adj cheap

caro adj expensive

profundo adj deep

bajo adj shallow

correcto  correct

incorrecto incorrect

duro adj hard

blando adj soft

calificado qualified

no calificado unqualified

estrecho adj narrow

ancho adj wide

áspero adj rough

liso adj smooth

delgado adj thin

grueso adj thick

LAST UPDATED 10/20/2022 8:19 PM

Spanish :: Vocabulary The Colors

Los Colores | The Colors

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to colors. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent.

blanco adj white

negro adj black

rojo adj red

verde adj green

azul adj blue

amarillo adj yellow

gris adj gray

dorado adj golden, gold-plated 

rubio adj blonde

celeste adj sky-blue, heavenly

rosado adj pink

marrón/café adj brown

violeta adj violet

plateado adj silver

morado adj purple

castaño adj brown (hair)

anaranjado adj orange

LAST UPDATED 10/10/2022 8:59 AM

Spanish :: Vocabulary Professions

Profesiónes | Professions

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to professions. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent. 

autor n writer

medico n doctor

professor nm/f professor, teacher

jefe nm/f leader, boss, manager

líder  leader

direcortor/a del departmento   chairperson

miembro/a de la junta directiva  board member

director nm/f director, manager, principal

artista n artist

maestro n teacher

ayudante/a de maestro   teacher's aide

superintendente superintendent

escritor nm/f writer

policía n police officer

dentista  n dentist

estudiante n student

mecanógrafo/a   typist

voluntario/a   volunteer

deuño n owner, landlord

subdirector/a   vice-principal

empleado nm employee

supervisor supervisor

político adj nm/f politician

mecánico  n mechanic

secretario nm/f secretary

educador/a   educator

guardia de seguridad  security guard

juez n judge

poeta n poet

guardia del tráfico   crossing guard

periodista n journalist

ministro nm/f (government) secretary, minister

soldado nm/f soldier

abogado nm/f lawyer

militar n soldier, military person

actor nm actor

trabajador n worker, laborer

trabajador adj hardworking

ingeniero nm/f engineer

bombero  n  firefighter

official adj,n official, authorized, officer

agente n agent

guardia n guard

especialista n specialist

terapista  n  therapist

sacerdote nm priest

traductor n translator

cura nmf priest

pintor nm/f painter

obrero nm/f worker, laborer

cartero n mail carrier

vendedor nm/f salesperson

plomero n plumber

capitán nm captain, chief

comerciante n merchant, businessman

músico nm/f musician

corredor n broker

filósofo nm philosopher

carpintero   carpenter

científico adj scientific, scientist

amo nm master, boss

arquitecto nm/f architect

ayudante n helper, assistant

investigador nm/f researcher, investigator

ténico adj technician

conductor nm/f driver, conductor

enfermero nm/f nurse

cantante n singer

historiador nm/f historian

cazador nm/f hunter

pastor nm/f shepherd, pastor

administrador n administrator, manager

monja nf nun

dueña n landlady, owner

pescador n fisherman

físico nm/f physicist

maestra nf teacher

chofer de autobús bus driver

embajador nm/f ambassador

cocinero nm/f cook

fotógrafo nm/f photographer

consejero nm/f advisor, counselor

piloto nm/f pilot, driver

portero nm/f porter, doorkeeper, goalkeeper

consultor/a  consultant

comisario nm commissioner, delegate

senador nm/f senator

gobernante n ruler, leader

asesor nm/f adviser, consultant

novelista n novelist

bailarín nm/f dancer

inspector nm/f inspector

economista nm/f economist

servidumbre nf staff of servants, servitude

funcionarios n staff

empleados n employees

recepcionista   receptionist

psicólogo nm/f psychologist

actriz nf actress

fiscal n district attorney, prosector

editor nm/f editor, publisher

cirujano nm/f surgeon

intérprete nc performer, interpreter

diplomático adj;nm/f diplomatic, diplomat

sargento nm sergeant

jinete n rider, horseman

agricultor nm/f farmer

guerrero adj/nm/f warrior, warlike, soldier

dependiente   clerk

marinero nm/f sailor

asistente nm/f assistant

cajero n cashier

jardinero  n gardener

oficial   official

operador/a   operator

instructor n instructor

bedel n janitor

entrenador/a n trainer

bibliotecario n librarian

LAST UPDATED 10/20/2022 7:09 PM

Spanish :: Vocabulary Weather

Weather | Clima

Below you will find a list of vocabulary words related to weather. The vocabulary words are listed and defined with their Spanish to English equivalent. 


calor nm heat, warmth

frío nm/adj cold

viento nm wind, scent

lluvía nf rain

temperatura nf temperature

clima nm climate

nube nf cloud

atmósfera nf atmosphere, environment

rayo nm ray, beam, lightning

tornado  tornado

nieve nf snow

fresco adj cool

humedad nf humidity

tormenta nf storm

terremoto nm earthquake

niebla nf fog

inundación nf flood

temporal adj storm

torrente nm torrent, flood

brisa nf breeze

tempestad nf (thunder) storm

precipitación nf precipitation, rain

desprendimiento de tierra  landslide

trueno nm thunder

hielo  ice

relámpago nm lightning

lluvia  rain

neblina nf fog

huracán nm hurricane

rocio nm dew

llovizna nf drizzle, sprinkle

bochorno nm sultry weather

nevada nf snowfall

vendaval nm strong wind

granizo nm hail, hailstone

escarcha nf frost


fresco adj cool, healthier, fresh

deshidratación  dehydration

congelamiento  frostbite

postración  heatstroke

insolación  sunstroke

despejado adj clear

templado adj mild, lukewarm

nublado adj cloudy

soleado adj sunny


llover v to rain

despejar v to clear up

nevar v to snow

lloviznar v to sprinkle

LAST UPDATED 10/20/2022 9:25 PM